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Atlantic Cod fish fishing fisheries

MA Residents Disagree Strongly with AG’s Call to Take More Codfish

Massachusetts residents sure do love cod, swimming wild or with tartar sauce.  When Attorney General Martha Coakley called for taking of the last cod by taking legal actions to call into question the work of the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center, the recommendations made by the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee, and the management measures developed and agreed to by the New England Fisheries Management Council – more than a few people from more than a few MA towns were not too pleased.  Here are some words from around the Commonwealth to the AG to save cod. What do you think?

The NEFMC called for a 78% reduction in the target total allowable cod compared to 2008. The 2013 Gulf of Maine cod annual catch limit, that you are questioning, is 1,829,837 pounds.  This is similar to the 1999 cod target total allowable catch of 1,924,000 pounds. NEFMC is permitting fishermen to go out for cod by choosing the liberal end of a quota range put forth by the scientists (the range offered was from 78% reduction to no take). Do you think this compromise number should stand, or there be a no take, or more cod permitted taken?  Currently 2,084 favor the compromise approach.

It’s not the local fisherman’s fault that corporations and industrial fishing fleets have raped and poisoned the sea, but that’s already happened, and absolutely nothing will be left without these limits being fully enforced. The fisherman are due some compensation. Tax the corporations that put them out of a livelihood, but protect the wildlife or there will be no future life in the sea. Ian, Arlington, MA

When the first settlers arrived, cod was so thick in the Cape Cod waters that it could be caught by hand.  We are now on the verge of wiping out the species entirely. Let the science industry determine the catch amount and give subsidies to the fisherman who have to forgo their fishing for a few years. The fisherman not allowed to catch one year, should be at the top of the list for the next.  Esther, Arlington, MA

It’s time we learn to balance our pocketbooks with Nature’s needs, or we won’t be getting anything from her at all. Let’s not kill the golden goose. Heather Gray, Ashfield, MA

I want a sustainable fishing industry. Allowing fishermen to catch as much as they want only makes it harder for them to sustain their way of life in the future. We need to let cod rebound fully.  Leah, Ashland, MA

Please save our planet and fish stocks. Fishermen will have to adjust, not the other way around, or there won’t be any fish for future generations. Let’s not be penny wise and pounds of fish foolish. Let the Cod Schools replenish  so people can eat and fisherman can fish for centuries to come. Rick Myers, Ashland, MA

Short-term gains for fishermen this year will not serve anybody well in the long term. Cod need time to recover. Nini, Bedford, MA

Raising the cod catch limit now only further exacerbates the effects of overfishing. Without time for numbers to recover, the current supply of cod will soon be fished out. And then what? Linda, Belmont, MA

I know this is a difficult issue – I lived for a couple of years in Atlantic Canada and saw the hardships that shutting down the industry caused there. I also saw an industry that has re-tooled and a cod population that is re-surging. Thanks! Paul, Berkley, MA

If higher cod catches crash the species, which is already under great stress, there will be NO cod fishery. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish! Brenda, Bolton, MA

It’s important to realize that local short-term needs be carefully balanced with long-term survival.  Fishing the sea to extinction will leave us all gasping for survival. Susan, Boston, MA

There will be no fish left for fishermen if you continue to not preserve the ones left. Lynn, Boston, MA

Martha, your approach will just increase the pain for fisherman in the near future.  Michael, Boston, MA

Please be a responsible environmentalist. Without sustainable fish supplies the fisherman will hurt even more in the future.  Beth, Boylston, MA

Codfish are part of the ocean’s web of life. Undo one thread such as the cod, and the whole thing unravels. Brian Gingras, Braintree, MA

These are concerns for just one more species at risk because of the actions of man. Valerie, Brewster, MA

This is my favorite fish. I love native wild caught cod and want them protected Linda, Brighton, MA

Cod is a vital resource and if the levels become too low, then fishing will be cut completely. Let them recover to higher levels and then let the fishing increase. Judi, Brighton, MA

If we do not limit fishing, there will be no fish for the fisherman in the long-run. We must limit to keep the fish as well as the fishing industry going. Do not raise the fishing limit! Maria, Brookline, MA

Help our oceans stay viable! Meghan, Brookline, MA

It’s best to take the long view wherever possible.   Michael, Brookline, MA 02445

As we catch & slaughter our cod, along with other species in our fisheries to extinction, so go our very own quality of existence. Preventive proven science over immediate transitive profits & jobs should, always, be the first priority…respectfully…. Bob, Bryantville, MA

If cod catch limits are increased, it will hasten the day when there are so few left that it will not be worth fishing for them. Then the fishermen you claim to be helping will find another line of work (hopefully). Robert, Cambridge, MA

I think you have been a truly exemplary Attorney General, and this is the first time I have disagreed with a stance you’ve taken. As the former long-time partner of a commercial fisherman, I am writing out of concern for fishing people as well as fish. We all need the Fisheries Management Council, not just the endangered cod, and to keep it viable we have to sustain it with trust. The devastation to the region’s economy and culture of a permanently destroyed cod fishery would be a high price to pay for higher catches now, when such catches are even possible.  Mary, Cambridge, MA

Let the fisheries council do their job!! We cannot afford to lose all the cod fish because of a short-sighted demand. Save the cod!  Harper, Cambridge, MA

Without protections, the fish will disappear. We have to look past our immediate needs. Kristen, Cambridge, MA

Our region has been in denial about dwindling stocks of cod and other fish for generations. As a result we have consistently failed to take the necessary action on catch limits. Wendy, Cambridge, MA

For a cautionary tale of inaction and bungled management, we need only look to our north. In 1992, the once abundant cod stocks off the coast of Newfoundland collapsed. Some 19,000 fishers and plant workers were directly affected and up to 20,000 other jobs were lost or harmed. To this day, the fishery is closed and Newfoundland cod stocks have not recovered. According to Mark Kurlansky, author of the book Cod, “One of the greatest obstacles to restoring cod stocks off of Newfoundland is an almost pathological collective denial of what has happened.”  Berl, Cambridge, MA

It’s important to pay attention to this huge issue. Please act for the greatest good of the fisheries and the cod by encouraging sustainability and gaining disaster relief. Susan, Cambridge, MA

If we want to catch and eat cod in the future, we need to protect some breeding stock now. Allowing unsustainable catches now may benefit some fishermen for a couple of years, but soon they will be looking for a new line of work. Robert, Cambridge, MA

Recovery of the cod population is a matter of science and management.  It is not something that the courts should be called on to decide.  Please use the resources of your office to   go after sources of pollution that are threatening the viability of the environment that sustains the cod population as it struggles to recover. Ann, Cambridge, MA

Massachusetts was founded on the Cod Fish. It is a symbol of prosperity. Imagine Cape Cod and the Commonwealth without these majestic fish? Staying on current course will yield this result. Science is telling us to to the right thing. I am imploring you to do what is right by the science to create healthy Cod populations and fishing livelihoods.  Archie, Charlestown, MA

Raising the catch limits on cod will not help fishermen because there are not enough cod left for them to meet the higher limits. Last year, despite the latest technologies, fishermen were only able to land 60% of the quota.   Louis, Chelsea, MA

First Cod, eventually the entire ocean, if irresponsible capitalists are permitted to continue. Ramsay, Cherry Valley, MA

I rarely eat meat, so most of what I do eat is fish. Cod is my faorite fish, and with fishermen only being allowed to catch a smaller and smaller number, the prices are going higher and higher. I can no longer afford to even eat fish very much anymore and rarely can afford the fish I love. Ellen, Chicopee, MA

Let the recovery continue.  Jean, Chicopee, MA

The balance in the ocean is delicate. We need to stop over-fishing and let the cod recover. Deborah, Clinton, MA

It is imperative that the Commonwealth’s resources be preserved and enhanced. In so doing we must err on the side of caution because the loss of biodiversity – especially a species as historic as the cod – has economic damage that cannot even be quantified. Efforts would be far better spent subsidizing sustainable alternatives to codfishing. Christopher, Dover, MA

They need time to reproduce.. you have no idea how overfished the oceans are with our human population explosion. You can’t play politics with this issue and the oceans can’t reproduced in the same way as farm animals. Even that is inhumane!  People need to use common sense, bite the bullet and compromise! We need to start NOW allowing the sea to replenish the life that has been overfished. Experts in the field have been citing this for years. Just like anything else, it’s time to think ahead. Susan, Eastham, MA

Short-term gains from over-fishing only result in long-term losses for everyone, especially the cod fish. Mary Jo, Florence, MA

The cod and all marine animals have to stay alive. The human population must go down and eventually be halved, and all nonhuman species need to be brought up to completely sustainable numbers. I do eat meat and fish, but fish needs to be eaten responsibly right now. Eventually I hope that the cod on the sides of both Old and New England can once again, be so numerous, you can walk on their backs! Angie, Framingham, MA

I love eating cod. It is a very healthy food. Please help Massachusetts maintain a sustainable fishery so that generations to come will be able to enjoy this delicious fish.  Spending precious state resources to sue a federal agency whose mission is to use science to help us have a sustainable fishery isn’t a wise use of taxpayer’s money.  I want my taxes to support the sustainability of our precious fisheries.  Please don’t waste time and money on this short-term and ill-advised attack on science.  I am shocked that you would even consider this action.  Nina, Framingham, MA

Short-term fixes are often short-sighted. For the long-term good of the cod and the fishermen, follow the science.  Susan, Gardner, MA

Science, not politics, should determine what fishermen can take from the water.  Pandering to fishermen, or any other constituency, is really unattractive and Martha Coakley should be ashamed of herself for doing so. Maurene, Gloucester, MA

We need sustainable fishing. These fish are part of the food chain for other fish and animals. We have to share the planet, and the ocean is part of the planet.  Fishermen need help, but retraining should be part of that.  We can’t fish out the oceans! Lana and Richard, Great Barrington, MA

We need to manage the oceans with sustainability as the highest priority. That will support the fisherman most in the long haul! Elaine, Great Barrington, MA

Cod had been around for hundreds of years, and now they have been overfished without reassuring signs of a healthy comeback. And you want more to be fished? If the fishermen are unhappy now, they’ll be even unhappier when the cod are gone. If they don’t care about what fish will be gone in a few years, maybe you should. Linda, Harvard, MA

We have to do the right thing. If needed, allow the fishermen some tax credits. Nancy, Haverhill, MA

Cod and other species that are in danger of extinction should be protected. We have the know how.  Eric, Holden, MA

I want my children to be able to eat cod, which very few people do these days because it’s become so rare and, thankfully, protected. It’s very close to my heart, especially since it’s the namesake fish of the Cape where I was born and do my own fishing.  James, Jamaica Plain, MA

I wish our descendants to have a robust marine ecosystem, such that everyone can enjoy eating fish, and fishermen can take catch easily and without fear of diminishing the source.  This requires better husbandry now.  Sara, Jamaica Plain, MA

Having just listened to an eloquent speech by Sylvia Earle about the oceans, I am dismayed by the fact that overfishing is so rampant and that the fisherman are not given limits as the oceans are being depleted of fish. What will happen when the fish are gone, when the reefs and other beings are gone. What will happen then? What will those fishermen do? Unless something happens now there will be no fish left and the fishermen will have no jobs anyway. All who live in the oceans are vital. The oceans are being abused and there is no one to blame except us who take more than we need. Well, I don’t eat fish so I am not part of the problem but I would like to be part of the solution. Kate, Jamaica Plain, MA

We need to save this iconic species for future generations. Lisa, Lancaster, MA

Over-fishing destroys the entire ocean ecosystem. As the ocean covers over 70% of the planet, this has much larger potential for disaster than just a higher price for fish and chips.  Sara, Leicester, MA

I’m 78 years old.  I remember when cod was so plentiful that it was served to the help when I worked as a waitress at the Kenmore Hotel. I’d like this noble fish to become plentiful again. Nancy, Lenox, MA

I believe that NOAA is guided by good science, and as painful as the reductions in the cod quota will be, they are essential to the long-term preservation of this resource, and the New England fishing industry.  As a Massachusetts citizen, I want help for the people who make their livelihood through fishing, but I don’t believe the answer comes from ignoring the hard facts.  Federal assistance to blunt the impact of these reductions makes more sense.  Leda, Lexington, MA

We need to think of the future and not deplete our waters of cod and other fish. Please heed the suggestions of this council and fight for more money not for an increase in the quota.  Valerie, Ludlow, MA

Do Not Increase The Quota Because We’re Killing Them All Off, Almost To Extinction. James, Lynn, MA

Cod is such an integral part of New England both historically, and in modern times. It helped us and other countries to develop as we were able to catch it in abundance and dry it for later use. It is a unique species, which we should protect for the future, not over-fish just to make a few extra bucks today. You are not doing the fishermen any favors if the population is wiped out. Leslie, Lynn, MA

We’ve decimated so many species. It is impertive that they managed in a way that allows them to come back. Danya, Lynnfield, MA

What good does it do if 10 years from now there are NO fish to catch? What will fishermen then do for a living? Our ocean fish stocks are severely depleted worldwide, would you have future generations of New Englanders live without fisheries?  Debbie, Malden, MA

What happens in a few years when there are no fish for the fisherman to catch? It’s not rocket science.  Karen, Mansfield, MA

I believe we are entering a time of major transition relative to our ways of understanding, beneficial nutrition, our food supply and the limits of natural resources. There is no avoiding the reality that many of these changes, including the limitation of fishing cod, will impose hardship. It is necessary to find ways to help people whose livelihood has depended on unsustainable paradigms to find new ways to support themselves and their families. Mary, Marlborough, MA

Increasing fishing quotas will only deplete the ocean’s populations sooner. We have reached a tipping point on this planet. We need to get smarter. I live in a coastal community that has a hardy population of fishermen. I do not wish them ill, nor can I increase fish populations. As a society, we must do what we can to prevent these resources from disappearing.  Kathryn, Marshfield, MA

What happens when we fish so much that certain fish become extinct. Then what? For these fishermen, this is their living. Let the fish replenish and while this is happening, you must give relief funds to those men with families and also to the fishermen who don’t have families. They all have to live.  Walk in their shoes and see how it feels!  Lita, Middleton, MA

I grew up eating cod, and eat fish at least 3 times per week as part of a healthy diet. I want there to be fish left for my great grandchildren to eat. That’s not going to be the case if we continue to allow overfishing. I am also concerned about our fishing industry and fishermen. However, I don’t think increased catch limits are the way to go.  Margaret, Milford, MA

It is past time for our country to act as mature human beings. We must accept that we live on our planet and by our decisions affect all life here. Is it possible to turn our backs on all those who offer money in exchange for our souls. We must show respect for each other as well as towards Nature. We forget that we are just A part OF Nature. Barry, Montague, MA

I understand the plight of the fishermen, but they are hunting wild animals and there is not an infinite supply of wild cod. They cannot even catch 60% of their limit. They need to face the facts just as other workers in other fields do when they can no longer reap a harvest or reap money. The fishermen see their work as a way of life, but so do other workers and they have to adjust to supply and demand. Vi, Nahant, MA

The cod fish population is one key component of the New England fisheries environmental health. Over-fishing of any species will throw the entire system off balance. Please use common sense to allow this species to recover! Marie, Nantucket, MA

Fishermen are their own worst enemy. There are few fish because fishermen knew no rules. Now, like typewriter salesmen, their industry is crashing. So it goes. At least in this case, if left alone, they might get some of it back. Scott, Nantucket, MA

Our fish supplies must be carefully managed. Tomorrow is more important than today.  No fish story! Carolyn, Natick, MA

It’s time we all work together to save the cod who decorate the Massachusetts legislative room. Stop short-term posturing and get cod fishermen who care about the future some help to get through this time of change. Sarah, Natick, MA

Do something now before it’s too late for cod. Barbara, New Befdord, MA

Cod is one of my most favorite fish meals. I have ceased purchasing it because I have read that there are not that many cod left. If I and others don’t buy it, then perhaps the demand would go down and the cod would have a chance to replenish their kind. If fisherman are now to have increased quotas of cod, that will drive them into even leaner numbers. It will hurt the fish and the fishing industry, which depends on them for work.  Peggy, Newburyport, MA


We need to protect our ocean resources. Don’t be a science denier. It is in the long-term interest of the fishery and the fishermen to preserve this precious resource. Peter, Newton, MA

I am very disappointed that Martha Coakley has gone ahead with this deeply flawed, misguided lawsuit. Political interference like this action only leads to the continued destruction of our fisheries, and then we all lose. The facts are that New England’s cod stocks are at nine percent of healthy levels and have declined by almost 80% since the 1980s. Numbers of young cod growing to maturity are at all-time lows.  The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries scientific fish survey of its coastal waters last fall found the lowest number of cod that have ever been recorded in the history of the state survey.  It’s likely that fishermen caught just a fraction of their allotted cod quota last yea – not because of regulations, but because the fish are not there. Alison, Newton, MA

I do not particularly like cod. I am concerned about the health of fish and sea animals in the ocean. I am of the strong belief that if you tamper too much with nature’s balance, you are bound to create problems for everyone in the ecosystem. Are these fish important for other aspects of marine life, ecosystems? Do we yet understand the impact of changing the populations of specific sea creatures? I am in support of laws that protect fish. We do need to move forward and accept the fact the ocean is changing and will continue to change. These changes will impact fisherman. The reality is  fish growth patterns and fish populations change. If any one were to actually look back in history this has been happening for hundreds of years. The fisherman need funding. They have worked very hard to put fish on the table for the masses. They deserve a little gratitude and it would be a shame to lose masses of fisherman because we cannot support them in their hour of need. Andrea, North Attleboro, MA

Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Randi, Northampton, MA

If we fish out the oceans, there will be no fish. It is that simple. We as people are over populated. Humans need to stop reproducing. Cathy, Northboro, MA

We can not save the fishing industry by pushing cod to extinction. To destroy our environment and endanger our own survival as a species (yes, endangered humans) in the name of preserving jobs is suicidal addiction behavior. Our “leaders” (this includes you) have no business destroying our threadbare resource base while claiming to be minding the future or “protecting” jobs. If people in positions of power can’t develop some political courage, they will destroy everything.  How many jobs will be left when the political class is through bowing to every moneyed interest? Clifford, Northfield, MA

When you ran against Scott Brown you were too quiet and invisible. You never let people know of your many accomplishments. Now, you are too vocal. Yes fishermen need jobs, but overfishing the stock is shortsighted and ill advised. Use your considerable authority to take action for a healthier fishing industry in the future and find short term assistance or redirection for fishermen. Laura, Onset, MA

If there are concerns please work them out without filing suit.  Thanks. Jeffrey, Pittsfield, MA

Cod was once a great resource for this state, but unbridled greed and ignorance nearly destroyed this fishery. We need science based regulations, not catering to the fishing industry. Marcia, Plainville, MA 02762

I feel that it is important to make sure these fish have a good enough population to maintain themselves before we decide to go and fish for them. I think it is better to be able to fish for some (even if it is less), then not have any at all due to overfishing. Ashley, Plymouth, MA

I’m deeply sorry for the current fishermen, but much more interested in the science, future fishermen, and the food supply. Donald, Plympton, MA

Let the fish win not the political agendas, the fish can be a “forever” resource if managed correctly, not a quick profit chance. Eugene, Quincy, MA

I care for all marine life and I don’t like to hear that their being overfished to the point of extinction. If we need to put quota’s on the cod than so be it. Let’s help the oceans recover not destroy it.  Lynn, Randolph, MA

I care because extinct is forever. Katrin, Rockport, MA

The fishermen are going to be hurt further if we do not do something to protect the cod stocks now. We need to make major changes in how we take care of the ocean and all its inhabitants, and this is one small start. Fishermen can be creative and start new businesses, or work in another way in the fishing industry. Give them disaster relief so they can start something new and protect the ocean environment. Danby, Rowley, MA

The Cod has been a symbol for me, for the Native Americans, and early settlers. We are so fortunate to have such a variety of good food here in the US and the North Shore. Unfortunately, with pollution and increasing populations, it is critically important to be mindful of our consumption of cod (and other fish/animals). We must do this to keep this wonderful fish from to become extinct. We have the obligation to care for the earth & sea and its inhabitants. Our very lives depend on it! Georgette, Salem, MA

Very simply, I care about cod because I’m from Cape Cod. The very name evokes images of the fish that is often taken from the very waters surrounding the peninsula.  So many tourists come to the area expecting to be able to eat this very fish.  It behooves us to find a fair and equitable way to sustain the population of fish while not destroying the lively hoods of fishermen. Jonathan, Sandwich, MA

When we pay attention to the environment, everyone benefits, cod, other fish, and humans alike. Cathleen, Savoy, MA

Cod, as we all know, has been over-fished for a long time – until it’s existence was virtually threatened. Things are better now, but not as they once were and should be. I ask you to return to return to the 2003 cod-fishing quota.  I, myself have not bought and refuse to buy cod until I am convinced it’s numbers are up sufficiently. Thomasyne, Scituate, MA

Limiting the cod harvest would also enhance the long-term prospects for fishermen. Take fewer fish and sell them at a higher price.  Paul, Sharon, MA

Your actions in this case seem politically motivated. Mary Barbara, Sherborn, MA

Martha Coakley – A lot of businesses are hurting nowadays. I’m sorry that fishermen are included in this group, but the fact is they will hurt no matter what as fish numbers continue to stay low. Keep the catch limits at the quota recommended by NOAA. Maureen, Somerville, MA

I want more cod, less petty obstructionism! Jay, Somerville, MA

I find it funny that the AG thinks she knows more about the oceans, sea life and fishing than the experts who are educated in such matters. I am quite sure she would not like it if they tried run her office. Paul, Stoneham, MA

Overfishing is a huge problem, and if we don’t do something about it now, there will be no more fishing industry in the future. Sherry, Sudbury, MA

This is too important to be a political football. The health of the ecosystem has to take precedence over human squabbles or else there won’t be anything left to squabble over. Thomas, Sudbury, MA

Rather than increasing catch limits for fish that are not there, we need to implement conservation policies to protect the environment in which the fish live. How can you raise catch limits when poor environmental policies have diminished their numbers? Karen, Wakefield, MA


Are we trying to take action to save fish forever in New England waters or to save fishermen for a year or two? Think about it. Please. Peg, Watertown, MA

Look at what happened to the Codfish populations in Nova Scotia!! You can’t save the fishing industry when you make the big sized fish go extinct!! This is the result of years of inappropriate fisheries regulation and ocean degradation. Cynthia, Westhampton, MA

The ocean’s fish are a national food source, not a guaranteed resource to exploit for those who harvest them. First priority is sustainability. If a fisherman over-capitalizes or fails to adapt to changing regulations that is a business failure on their part and not a resource management issue. Peter, Westminster, MA

Thanks to over-fishing, the ecosystem has become unbalanced, degraded, and it will take a long to come back. There is no guarantee that it will rebound. If we are not careful, it won’t be able to rebound. If we continue to lose nurseries of fish  and polluters, fish will not rebound. So many polluters dumping in the ocean, seas, as well as rivers and ponds. Fast speeding boats and  fishing boats, polluting the waters every year!  Joanne, Weymouth, MA

As a consumer as well as a caring citizen, I believe our country has a moral duty to not overfish and drive a species out of existence. Over 3/4ths of the world, including a great many of our people, depend on fish as a major, healthy part of their diet. Our fishermen deserve to find success in their very important livelihoods. Besides all this, to keep the ocean ecosystems healthy, we need all the help the fisheries Mgmt. Science Center can give us. We need help to greatly reduce the extremely harmful nitrogen polluting fertilizers still used and keep all the life in the sea healthy since we want to be healthy. Carol, Winthrop, MA

I may never catch one, and the way things are going, I may never eat one. Michael, Woods Hole, MA

So much has happened in our own ocean waters. Killing off healthy cod is an absolute mistake. These fish have been the only ones to sustain themselves  after the massive oil spill off the coast of Louisiana. Most other species have died because of the high concentration of oil in their own living quarters,  killing them off one by one. Some species were ones of rare existence. So please don’t kill off the one species that survived the oil spill and then subsequent nuclear waste from the Japanese melt  down of its nuclear reactors. If there are too many, cordon them off from other areas so that they remain in one area as a constant source.  Sincerely, Judy, Worcester, MA

5 responses on “MA Residents Disagree Strongly with AG’s Call to Take More Codfish

  1. Rob Moir, Ph.D. Post author

    There are better ways to help fishermen and fish than to call into question the work of the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center, the recommendations made by the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee, and the management measures developed and agreed to by the New England Fisheries Management Council.

  2. Leighton M Mcutchen Ph.D.

    No! We should limit catch, and by-catch, of current fish populations off the Mass coast.Unless we limit our appetite for fish, as for other food, not only will the fish populations deplete further, but the obesity epidemic will continue unabated!!

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