Thank you for lending your voice to this worthy endeavor.
Please share with friends and associates. Encourage them to join with us in speaking out in our own words. Got something to say?
Send us photographs and we’ll post on the state page where plastic pollution is happening.
We can’t live in a world polluted with plastic. It is everywhere including the human body and mother’s milk! Each time we go to the grocery store I am disgusted that almost everything is wrapped in plastic or is contained in heavy plastic containers. We need to reduce or eliminate plastic wherever possible. Support the plastic reduction bill! My Children and grandchildren will live in a healthier world. Eugene Kiver, Anacortes WA
There are too many onetime use plastics that then get thrown away. Often these end up on land and move down storm waters or blow into the water. We are harming our wildlife and poisoning our water. This is irresponsible. Support this bill and we’ll have much less litter in our society. Virgene Link-New, Anacortes WA
Support the plastic pollution bill to save marine animals from eating plastic and filling their stomachs with inedible food. Many starve to death; many end up on our plates, polluting us. Support this bill to create cleaner beaches and less plastic food for the fish and animals in the seas. Patricia Santangelo, Anacortes WA
Plastics are destroying the planet. Support this bill and give us hope for wildlife and ecosystems. Jeri Ichikawa, Battle Ground WA
As the ecosystem ingests plastic, the plants and animals and all other living things absorb toxins. It is unacceptable to allow this to continue. In fact, it is wildly irresponsible to do so. Support the plastic pollution bill to solve this problem, not just because it is the decent thing to do as a neighbor sharing a planet with so many wonderful species, but for humanity’s health as well. Katherine Iosif, Bellingham WA
If we don’t have a healthy environment we can’t be healthy. We need a clean planet for survival. Take a stand, support the plastic pollution bill. Vivian Bartlett, Bellingham WA
Reducing plastic pollution is one of the many important steps toward the sustainability of human life on Earth. It’s important to recognize we ingest plastic (i.e., from seafood and plastic containers), which ultimately affects our immune systems. I live and work on a traveling boat and see the effects firsthand of plastic suffocating our coral reefs and killing sea life. Since 70% of our oxygen comes from our oceans, we need to do everything we can to protect them. Thank you for your support of the plastic pollution bill. Lori Gudmundson, Bellingham WA
We are creating unsustainable volumes of plastic waste and expecting future generations to live with the consequences. We created the problem and it is our responsibility to work on solutions. I have children and grandchildren and I want to be able to offer them some hope of healthy environments. Tracy Ouellette, Bow WA
We’re KILLING everything…including ourselves! Support the plastics pollution bill and make my life better & safer for all living things. Joyce Lewis, Camano Island WA
I want my grandchildren to be able to go camping in nature, that is as natural as when we were able to. Support the plastic pollution bill so that we may. Ed Carter, Chehalis WA
There’s only one earth. Recycle and minimize plastic consumption. This bill will do much more than that. Support the plastics pollution bill. James Mulcare, Clarkston WA
The bill would reduce wildlife from ingesting and being entangled in plastics and waste products. It is horrifying seeing animals caught in, choking on or having stomachs full of indigestible plastic debris! The bill will stop plastics and dyes from paper products from getting into waterways, which can then seep into groundwater and drinking water. The prevention of plastic pollution will make the places we care about cleaner, safer, and more attractive. Support the plastic pollution bill. Barbara Rosenkotter, Deer Harbor WA
By supporting the plastic pollution bill, you would take part in protecting and improving the quality of our land and waterways, as well as the health of wildlife and ourselves. This is very important to me. Plastics never go away in the environment. It’s a hormone disrupter for humans and animals. It’s harming and killing us. This bill will mean committing to other, natural materials to replace plastics. It means changing our cultural views to value natural renewable materials over plastics, which come at a much higher overall cost. It means: growing up and doing the right thing. Rebecca McDonough, Eastsound WA
Too many people don’t recycle or the recycling companies don’t take certain types of plastics. I care about the amount of plastic pollution there is around the world and in our oceans. Michele Henley, Everett WA
It does not biodegrade fast enough to protect nature. Fred Karlson, Ferndale WA
Sustainability is crucial to everyone’s future. We need to make effective recycling a priority. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act was passed in 1976, and yet this nation is still struggling to meet the requirements of that legislation. Without a meaningful program to control the re-update of consumer materials, we will condemn the future to the inadequacies of the present. Put money and effort into recycling programs that work. This needs to be a priority and the legislators need to spearhead this activity. Make it happen. Excuses will not suffice. Michael Gan, Kennewick WA
Plastic is crushing our environment – our animals, our oceans, our climate. Support the plastic pollution bill to STOP Less waste, Better for the climate. We want to use reusable, low impact materials. Debbie Thorn, Kirkland WA
Plastic is ruining our environment, killing our wildlife and polluting our towns. We must get off our dependency of it for our future and children’s sake. I urge you to support the Plastic Pollution Bill. Jen Bentzel, Lacey WA
Besides reducing the plastic pollution that is changing our global weather, I’m particularly concerned about the harm that plastic trash is causing innocent wildlife on Earth. Since we are all having to ingest micro plastic particles now, I ask you to support the plastic pollution bill. Bruce Dobson, Langley WA
Plastic is ugly. Passing the Plastic Pollution Bill might make my last years of life more bearable. Eric Burr, Mazama WA
Plastics kill marine mammals, fish and birds. Huge amount of these plastics harms and threatens extinctions. Plastics imperil our ecosystem’s balance. Support the plastic pollution bill. Then, frankly, I would take comfort that many animals would not be threatened with premature deaths and that our oceans would not be reduced to garbage dumps. That would be a sight I’d like to see. Elyette Weinstein, Olympia WA
Plastic lives almost forever in landfills. it poisons the environment. Wildlife ingests it, mistakenly thinking it is food, causing their deaths. We do not need to hang on to single-use plastic items. There are eco-friendly and inexpensive alternatives. I ask you support the plastics pollution bill to develop more alternatives to plastics. Less plastic pollution will benefit every living thing. Amanda Sue Rudisill, Olympia WA
Act to save our One and Only Earth and all life it holds. Act for less chemicals and poisons in our air, water, land, and food. J R, Orting WA
Your great grandchildren and mine will inherit what you create today. Do you care what they will encounter and endure? Do you care what they will associate with their ancestor? I do. Support the plastic pollution bill and I will know that the future looks a little brighter for the ocean creatures and humanity. Shari Hamilton, Port Angeles WA
I work with Orca Network and have seen firsthand what plastics are doing to our food chain and oceans. Your support of the plastic pollution bill would benefit all of us including future generations. Marty Crowley, Port Townsend WA
We cannot continue to gum up our oceans with plastic. It is killing fish and other marine life! it is also not good for us! With your support of this bill, I would be greatly relieved that we are taking responsibility for making sure our oceans, and also the places where garbage is dumped, will be cleaned up. Brenda Michaels, Port Townsend WA
The plastics in the ocean and its effect on marine life is my main concern. Not having plastic in the fish I consume would be nice. Plastic is only part of it though. The petroleum industry is manufacturing more plastic because of decreased need for its use as fuel. We need to find a way for the petroleum industry to change its focus to something more favorable for the planet. Please support the Plastic Pollution bill and let’s get work on this. Peter Dudley, Port Hadlock WA
We are choking the oceans, killing wildlife who mistake bits of plastic as food. We need to reduce our reliance on cheap plastic! Please act for passage of the plastic pollution bill. I’m not looking at this for myself–I’m thinking of the future generations and what we’re leaving them. Sharon Fetter, Puyallup WA
As a mother, I ask you to please support keeping our human communities and wildlife species safe from plastic. Our streets and parks would be cleaner, and more enjoyable and beautiful as they would be free from plastic. Amy Hansen, Rockport WA
I see the pictures of the beaches of the world, I see the pictures of sea creatures dead from eating plastic. Support the plastic pollution bill. They need to stop polluting with single-use and make stuff that we want to have last, like decking and fence posts, and maybe even extruded buildings. Shelley Dahlgren, PhD, Sammamish WA
Look, the oceans and the waterborne life it supports is essential for our survival. Plastic pollution is ingested by sea creatures, killing them and potentially ruining the food supply for humans. Support this bill. If passed, I would use other methods of storing and packaging. Ray Couture, Seattle WA
Stopping plastic pollution for me is important because of the impact it has on ocean life and climate change. Support this bill to stop so many animals from being crippled or killed by plastic. Knowing I am doing my part in reducing plastic is satisfying. Bronwen Evans, Seattle WA
I feel that we must end plastic pollution. The disposable society that we and the other industrialized have become have haplessly poisoned our waterways, seas, air and lands with the toxic chemicals that leach from them. Plastic bits have replaced our food and are starving us. Cheap plastic has allowed us to be wasteful. The only real solution is to make plastic products, many of which are useful, expensive so we take care of them and reuse them as much as possible. Support this bill. Passing it would be the first baby step in the right direction for the salvation of good health and good sense. I would like to be able to eat seafood again someday. Holger Mathews, Seattle WA
Because plastic is everywhere and is literally killing us. I urge you to support this bill. Jared Howe, Seattle WA
It’s destroying our oceans and the seafood we eat. It’s also reliant on fossil fuels, which is further destroying our world. Act in support of this bill. Anthony Buch, Seattle WA
I don’t need plastic in my body to validate me as a woman. Courtney Love, Seattle WA
Plastic is both harmful to the creatures that live on land and in the oceans. It needs to phased out forever and replaced with green, clean, renewable materials. I urge you to support this bill as it would give me and billions of other people a future on this planet. Matthew Cloner, Seattle WA
Reduce plastic pollution. Support this bill. Scott Species, Seattle WA
Because I want to live! Pass the Plastic Pollution Bill! Thomas Libbey, Seattle WA
I live on the shores of Puget Sound. There are 4 PS beaches within 15 minutes of my home and four more within half an hour. I am often finding pieces of broken plastic, plastic bottles, plastic dog waste bags and plastic beach toys left by errant parents. I pick them up and toss them in the trash, but plastic is everywhere. Our food is contained in plastic containers. Products we buy are wrapped in plastic envelopes. We have got to wean ourselves off of plastic. There are viable alternatives that don’t pollute. Please, support the plastic pollution bill so people including parents will no longer leave plastic littered about. Holly Homan, Shoreline WA
Please help. Act in support of the Plastic Pollution Bill. Tonya Stiffler, Shoreline WA
Because plastics are not biodegradable, they last long after their use is needed. Worst, plastic bags end up in the oceans where they harm animals. Please do the right thing for Mother Earth and support this bill. Mark Kidd, South Bend WA
Plastic trash is seriously polluting many bodies of water and causing deformations, malfunctions, and death in the many species that consume it or encounter it. Objects such as plastic rope and six-pack rings strangle animals. Microplastic bits and fibers in the water are ingested by many marine animals. This damages their breathing and digestive apparatus. We are strangling our bodies of water needlessly and heedlessly with plastics. Take action today in support of the plastic pollution bill. Linda Carroll, Spokane WA
Plastic pollution is already contaminating nearly all of our waterways, seacoasts and oceans. Even though research is scant, we know micro-plastic is adversely affecting fish and other aquatic life along the Pacific coast. Plastics threaten salmon and other anadromous fish that already face terrible odds for survival from extinction. Plastic is in some of the seafood we eat. Human health may also be at stake. While we are trying to find out, we must reduce the flow of plastics into the environment. We desperately need time to learn more about the problems and what we can do about them. Please act to pass the plastic pollution bill. Give us peace of mind that we intend to do something about this worldwide problem. P.E. Crawford, Stevenson WA
Our lives depend on this for Cleaner environment. Chris Frame, Tacoma WA
Harmful to animals and the environment. Support the plastic pollution bill for a healthier world. Diane Shaughnessy, Tacoma WA
Plastic is POISON to animals and to humans through ingestion and through endocrine disruption, not to mention all the steps to turn it into the products, that clog our waters and lands all over the world! It’s time to stop using petroleum products as quickly as possible and turn to safer things! The same way it would benefit anyone else- by not being part of an increasingly poisonous environment! Act to pass the plastic pollution bill. Felicia Dale, Tulalip WA
Growing up in the 50’s & 60’s, plastics were not used universally like they are today. Yet we had a similar lifestyle, and purchased food and drinks as we do today. Life was good WITHOUT the need for plastic containers and wrapping! We need to go back to most of those alternatives. Reduce disposable plastics means reduced plastics in our garbage can and fewer plastics to be recycled (which right now is not very effective). Act stop plastic pollution by supporting this bill. Richard Snook, Tumwater WA
We don’t need single-use plastic junk, but we do need better care for our environment. Support the plastic pollution bill. Den Mark Wichar, Vancouver WA
I live in Hawaii. Many of the death of whales, dolphins, monk seals, etc. are due to ingestion of and entanglements in plastics. Let’s stop this NOW! Support the plastic pollution bill. Mary N, Vancouver WA
Plastic is quite literally choking the planet. The particles are breaking down and infiltrating our food supply, particularly through aquatic species used for food. It’s in our food, through soil contamination and storage in plastic containers. It’s in our water; it’s in our landfills. It’s strangling, maiming, and trapping millions of aquatic creatures, giving them horrible and torturous deaths, and killing birds who consume the bright and shiny pieces, mistaking it for food. There are chemicals, in older plastics, particularly, that are carcinogenic, and chemicals we do not yet know how they affect the environment or living tissue. There is a continent-sized floating mass of plastic garbage and microplastic contamination our ocean. Landfills closed down because they have no way to contain the mountains of plastics being thrown away. Therefore, it is time to support the plastic pollution bill. Put a stop to single-use plastics. Put a price on disposal of any plastics. Find sustainable alternatives. ACT NOW! Getting rid of plastic would make the planet healthier, my body healthier and it would significantly improve fresh water supplies. Jackie Critser, Vancouver WA
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