Thank you for lending your voice to this worthy endeavor.
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Send us photographs and we’ll post on the state page where plastic pollution is happening.
For the sake of ALL living creatures. Plastic can be toxic, it’s non renewable. Plastic is not needed for most things. Support and pass this bill for less trash, cleaner environment. Christina Williams, Arnoldsville GA
Plastic is killing the earth and its creatures. Support and pass this bill to keep me safer. Gerald Gouge, Athens GA
We are burying ourselves in trash – in particular, plastic. In the ocean, sea animals get caught in plastic – eat undigestible plastic . Plastic takes too long to disintegrate – on land or in water – one-time use plastics should be outlawed. Heavy deposits put on all plastic returnable/ re-usable containers. Stop forcing over-packaged products on us. Support this bill and get it passed. Robt Temple, Atlanta GA
Plastic is killing our life-giving earth. We must save our oceans to save the earth which gives us life. Debbie King, Columbus GA
Plastic pollution is a threat to the health and wellbeing being of all of us. Support this bill. Jerry Banks, Decatur GA
Plastic is killing sea life. It is photodegradable and so becomes poison as the sun breaks it down in water. It does not biodegrade and so accumulates in mountains of garbage, if not actually recycled. It has toxins in it which leach into products in trace amounts which can be carcinogenic. It is a fossil fuel product and so a carbon emission product. Support this bill. It wouldn’t kill the sea life I scuba and snorkel with. It wouldn’t create mountains of garbage. It wouldn’t poison the air and water. And besides, plastic makes carbonated beverages including water taste bad. It never keeps a beverage cold enough either. Susan Spencer, Douglasville GA
It chokes sea animals and it fills their gastrointestinal tracts to the point where they die. It would help me see human life in a better light. Right now we are merely the most disgusting predator on the planet. Support and get this bill passed. Marco Pardi, Lawrenceville GA
Less plastic production will use less fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas. This bill would reduce wildlife from ingesting and being entangled in plastics and waste products. Support this bill and protect our environment. Clean up our places from ugly, harmful plastics. You’ve got work to do. Elisa Pagan, Marietta GA
It is choking our oceans and marine life! Less plastic pollution uses less fossil fuels, thereby mitigating some greenhouse emissions. Climate change is a threat to all life on Earth! Help, support this effective bill. Jenifer Johnson, Marietta GA
It’s especially important since China is no longer taking the United State’s plastic to recycle. Society needs a pervasive mindset change….not to buy plastic! Support this bill; let’s get it done. Bonnie Barfield, Smyrna GA
It’s strangling all life on this planet. Support and pass this bill. I might get to live a few more decades. Darren Mitton, Stone Mountain GA
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