Category Archives: Uncategorized

Soils, residential lawns with other grasses and groundwater are reducing the Climate Catastrophe

“​We’ve been so focused on fossil fuels and the short-term methane from burping cows that we’ve missed the significant amount of carbon (and water) being lost from under our feet to the air and to the seas.” Nicole Masters, For the Love of Soil Soil is the Elephant in the Climate Change Room With 2800 billion…

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Subsidiarity: A whale of a pattern of thought and an organizing principle for community-based environmental management

Off the coast of Maine, an explosive exhalation of air swept my attention over the sailboat’s starboard rail.  A broad stretch of hide rose like a pebbled sand bar the length of the twenty-seven-foot boat.  The right whale wheeled forward, sliding into opaque water while I stammered and pointed. I was alone at the helm…

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Boston GreenFest 2021Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt at Boston GreenFest 2021   Find the Natural Lawns for Healthy Soils stickers. Look for the Worm and Springtail! When you’ve found treasure tell us the vendor/exhibitor you found. What does the vendor/exhibitor do for sustainability? ~ You may comment below or click here to dive deep into our Treasure Hunt, Yo Ho!

Methane Hydrate Kraken Beneath Arctic Ocean Slayed by Wee Beasties While Ocean Currents Flow Stronger

Methane hydrate, the so-called monster, lies beneath the sea floor. In sediments on the ocean bottom, microorganisms remove oxygen making conditions lower down anoxic. Here, methanogens produce methane that is trapped as the notorious gas hydrates. In practice, rather than theory, there is a catastrophic difference between the increasing summer melt of Arctic Ocean sea…

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