As climate change wreaks havoc on our wildlife and agriculture, what do you tell a 13 year-old boy about his future?
Oskar didn’t need to be told. Answering his mum why he was crying, the 13 year-old said he wouldn’t be able to live like her, because society would collapse from climate change. Dumbfounded, his parents found a paper on the topic, which they read with him.
Nothing could be the same for Oskar and his family. They decided to take this topic and paper to their school. Suddenly classes of schoolchildren were discussing collapse with the author of that Deep Adaptation paper, Professor Jem Bendell. Now Oskar was demanding teachers let him focus his studies on readiness for collapse.
The story of Oskar’s quest and the conversations between his classmates may help parents and teachers consider whether and how to discuss our climate predicament with children and young adults.
View Jem’s 14 minute video and make a gift in support of Oskar’s Quest.
We created this campaign to first raise money for film making expenses of Oskar’s Quest and then for outreach and education to reach as many people as quickly as possible. This is an empowering tale of coping and hope, no matter how bad it gets.
Deep Adaptation is Professor Jem Bendell’s ethic for facing the climate crisis and for having a meaningful life with tragedy and changes.
If people really take this stuff to heart, in my experience, they do not return to denial, do not stay in despair, and they end up in a spirit of cherishing what they have . . . and cherishing the opportunity to be open and honest about your feelings and how you see the world and stop pretending.
I have hope more and more people will wake to what’s important in life for themselves, and it will include things like curious, kind, and joyful connection with all life, people and nature.
It’s what do we value? Why are we here, and what do we want to stand for, even if we are going to sink?