Friday, February 12th is the last day to urge the Obama administration to save our oceans and coastal waters by adopting a strong framework for a national ocean policy. This ocean framework would create a well-coordinated system for managing how we use and protect our great waters. Effective coastal and ocean planning would benefit wildlife, all who care about the oceans, and all who depend on it for their livelihoods. This would help address the major environmental issues affecting our oceans - issues like dead zones, ocean acidification, unsustainable fishing, short-sighted oil and gas development, and the destruction of coastal wetlands and estuaries. The ocean policy would also benefit our national economy by growing the ocean economy, which already contributes over $200 billion to the US GDP.
On Friday the Ocean River Institute's letter with your signatures and comments will be sent to President Obama and Nancy Sutley, Chair of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force.
Thanks to the 1000 Ecostewards that have already lended their voices to this effort! If you haven't signed it yet,
add yours now.
We greatly appreciate your support!