Save Indian River Lagoon, FL -
The Most Diverse Estuary in North America and Home for the Endangered Wood Stork
American wood stork nests on an island in the Indian River Lagoon in southeast Florida. The stork’s island is one of the top ten bird rookeries in Florida, and is surrounded by an incredible diversity of marine life in the estuary. It is here that ORI’s Sunshine Wildlife director, Capt Nancy Beaver, is working to research and preserve Florida marine wildlife. Last month, contributors to ORI enabled Capt Nan to transport and plant Spartina grass along the shoreline of the wood storks’ natal island to guard against erosion from wave intensity. This is the only place in Martin County where American woods storks nest. Capt Nan is working on several other conservation projects.
ORI’s Sunshine Wildlife is collaborating with the Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center to protect the island from shoreline erosion and to better the overall health of Indian Lagoon Estuary. Dr. Vincent Encomio and Capt Nan collect oyster shells from area restaurants. Fresh shells that need time to age are swapped with aged shells. Oyster shells are transported aboard the Sunshine Lady and deposited along the island’s shore. They are hoping to see some healthy new oyster beds soon.
The Wild Dolphin Project out of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, which began in 2002, is one of Capt Nan’s favorite projects. The Sunshine Lady carries personel and equipment for the on water project, traveling in the Indian River Lagoon from Sebastian Inlet to St. Lucie Inlet.. We also help monitor sick or
injured marine mammals all year. Dolphin health in the Lagoon is in serious decline due to Papilloma virus and lobomychosis. Methylmercury levels are four times higher than levels found in dolphins in Charlestown, South Carolina. This is surprising because Charlestown is a more industrialized area than is Indian Lagoon. The dolphins that Capt Nan observes stay in the general area and only travel about 20 to 25 miles a day.
Please Join Us In Recognition of
10 Year Anniversary of Sunshine Wildlife Tours
Monday, April 12, 2010
Finz Waterfront Grille
4290 Salerno Road
Stuart, Florida
Tickets $35 per person
Dinner at 7:30
Cash Bar cocktail hour at 6:30
Attire: Casual Island Style
~ Support the continuing education of the public about "The Most Diverse Estuary in North America" and our efforts to restore the health of the Estuary's waters, shorelines and wildlife.~
If you care about the oceans, why should you care about fishing? Amanda Leland and Tom Lalley of the Environmental Defense Fund tell you why on this week's episode of Moir's Environmental Dialogues. Much has been said about what is wrong with overfishing and how management efforts frequently fail. Drawing on personal experiences with sea urchins and a tale of red snapper, as well as years of research and listening to fishermen, we’ll learn how complex and unpredictable ocean wildlife and ecosystems actually are. Discover how this ocean environmental and economic problem can be solved, and what you can do to help. Environmental Defense offers us educational resources and a tool box for recovering groundfish that include cod, fluke, and haddock, pelagics including tuna and swordfish, and schooling fish - herring, sardine and mackerel. By sharing the catch with less waste and more profit, fish and fishing communities both survive.
Cook Inlet Beluga Whales Thank You!
Last week ORI delivered the letters and heartfelt comments of 3,500 ecostewards to Kaja Brix of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Ecostewards made it clear that the Cook Inlet beluga whale is a vital species to the health of the ecosystem and all people staying in Alaska. You made it obvious that to bring the belugas back to healthy numbers, their habitat must be protected and more sustainably managed. As soon as ORI hears word of NMFS's decision, we'll let you all know. Thank you so much for speaking out to save the belugas!
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Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |