Take a breath and swim. Lara Hansen, PhD, will surface and talk of how we can no longer disregard the inevitability of drastic climate change. So many decisive factors are affected by these changes that we are in crisis, a climate crisis that affects everything we do. Time to do something about it. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is a big piece of the solution puzzle. Yet, we also have to figure out how to deal with all of the effects of the climate crisis—from sea level rise to warming waters, less oxygen, to spread of disease. Climate crisis must factor into the decisions we make about natural resource management, human community development and how we live in changing watersheds.
On this week's espisode of Moir's Environmental Dialogs Dr. Lara Hansen of EcoAdapt will draw on ecosystem experiences and insights to offer proven tools for ecostewards and environmental guardians. She will talk of efforts to save nesting sea turtles, black-footed albatrosses of Palmira Atoll, the Everglades and glacier-fed watersheds. Tools include the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) an innovative community of practice and a new book Climate Savvy: Adapting Conservation and Resource Management to a Changing World (Island Press).
Green Slime, Red Tide, Ocean Dead Zones, NEVERMORE!
Ocean Champion's Mike Dunmyer tells how on March 12th the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3650 The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia (ocean dead zone) Research and Control Act. Democrats and Republicans spoke side-by-side with passion on the House floor because they know that HABs are a dangerous, growing problem. HABs kill fish, marine mammals, birds and pet dogs, put fishermen out of work, ruin vacations and make people really sick (sometimes fatally). While HABs peak in the summer, they are becoming problematic year around. In recent weeks, we've seen outbreaks suspected of mass pelican kills in California, and predicted to wreak havoc on the northeast shellfish industry next summer.
H.R. 3650 is a great solution to these problems. It will develop, coordinate and implement an integrated national strategy along with regional action plans to address and reduce harmful algal blooms and hypoxia. It will fund research where causes are not well understood, and the implementation of solutions where they are.
Noni Georges of BVI Island Resources Foundation banding a local Black-faced Grassquit.
Photo by A.McGowan, Darwin Research Fellow, http:darwin.defra.gov.uk
British Virgin Island Environmental Council's
"Dow Live Earth Run for Water"
The British Virgin Island Environmental Council (VIEC), an ORI partner, will hold the "Dow Live Earth Run for Water"to raise awareness for the world water shortage crisis and environmental issues affecting BVI generally. The BVI run is one of many happening around the world. The VIEC's event will take place on Sunday, April 18, at 10 a.m. Entrants in the race will receive a t-shirt, fruits, water, and enjoy live entertainment. VIEC's run is an effort to include the community in going a distance for island environmental issues. Noni Georges, VIEC Co-ordinator, reports: "Here in the BVI ensuring an affordable and secure water supply presents a constant challenge, but we can all work together towards finding solutions". VIEC hopes that the event will galvanize the community around this issue and empower residents to be part of the solution.
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