Save Wood Storks and Dolphins -
Nutrient pollution from excessive levels of phosphorus and nitrogen are hurting Florida's waters and water dwellers. Runoff from fertilizers, pesticides, and improperly treated sewage are creating algae blooms that suck up the oxygen in the lakes and coastal waters, killing aquatic wildlife. Bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon estuary - North America's most wildlife diverse estuary - suffer from skin-eating fungal infections. The EPA is addressing Florida's troubled waters by issuing numeric nutrient water quality standards. These standards will establish enforceable limits on phosphorus and nitrogen levels for lakes and flowing waters and for estuaries and coastal waters. Waters found exceeding these nutrient limits will result in forced reductions for pollutors.
When too much nutrients empty into Florida waterways, fish, birds, marine mammals, fishermen, boaters, tourists and locals alike all suffer. You can help in one of two ways:
Now is the time to make your gift to the Ocean River Institute. In honor of ORI's efforts to save the Indian River Lagoon, our board members have agreed to match your contributions. Please make your contribution before the Sunshine Wildlife fundraiser on April 12. Your donation, matched $1 for $1, will be recognized at the Sunshine Wildlife event.
Please consider making a gift to ORI today. This is your window of opportunity to make an even greater difference to our work because every dollar you give will be matched. The impact of you’re gift will go twice as far.
Your support enables ORI, with our large network of eco-stewards, to solve harmful assaults to wildlife, address environmental injustices, and restore the health of our rivers, watersheds, and coastal waters. Thank you in advance for all you do for us!
When ORI called on our ecostewards to demand protections for Cook Inlet beluga whale habitat, 7,500 of you spoke out! Your responses were delivered and received! The National Marine Fisheries Service received a total of 91,668 responses to its call for public comments. Way to go everyone!
NMFS spokesperson Sheela McLean said that all comments will be made available to the public soon via the NMFS's website. McLean also said that NMFS will release their decision on critical habitat designation sometime in October. We'll keep you updated as information and decisions are released.
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Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |