plastic water bottles

Endocrine disrupter chemicals (EDC) are found in plastics and many other commonly used products.  EDCs can cause serious health problems in people and wildlife. EDCs may turn on, shut off, or modify your body's hormones, which can lead to infertility in women and men. U.S. House is working on a bill to require the EPA to reduce lead in drinking water and to strengthen the endocrine disruptor screening program.  The EPA will define and test for at least 100 chemicals, and make test results publically available online. The bill will expand the focus beyond human health to consider the impacts of chemicals on wildlife.
"Ocean River Institute Inc. is a small but powerful organization that I have come to respect a great deal. Their work extends to a variety of issues, dealing with every size waterway; literally, no watersource is too big or too small for their attention. ORI works directly with communities and small groups, . . . so a relationship between people and nature is always forged. This, in turn, fosters respect for the environment and a working partnership that is essential to caring responsibly for the planet." - See this and other reviews on GreatNonprofits

Atlantic Sturgeon
Sturgeons and lampreys are truly ocean river dwellers. My understanding and awe of anadromous fish was forever altered by lamprey nest-building behavior, and what the behavior of two sturgeons told Dr Boyd Kynard in April. Many years ago, he discovered in his neighborhood the only Massachusetts tributary river of the Connecticut River watershed that is not dammed, the Fort River. 
For this week's episode of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Dr. Kynard talks with Rob about an amazing fish, the lamprey, which stops feeding in Long Island Sound to travel to the Pelham Hills. The lampreys transport carbon and ocean chemicals, including boron, to endow ecosystems far from the sea.  Discover the many ways lampreys leave an environment better off than found.

Dolphin in FL Lagoon
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Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from twenty-one podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647