Cook Inlet Beluga Whale, Alaska
At last count 2,160 ecostewards that have signed ORI's letter to NMFS calling for comprehensive ecosystem-based management of Cook Inlet, Alaska. With the Cook Inlet beluga whale population declining despite a ban on hunting it is imperative for whale survival that federal, state and local governments work together to improve the home of belugas. Your participation in this effort makes a big impact by helping establish a political mandate for NMFS to act responsibly.
If you have not signed the letter to protect Cook Inlet beluga habitat yet, please take a few seconds to add your name and words to our petition letter. Add your words to ours today.
Thank you for caring and for speaking out for marine life, responsible management, and for healthy ocean ecosystems.
"I live here by the Cook Inlet, I am a direct (illegitimate) descendent
of Captain Cook whom this inlet is named after. Our efforts to protect
these waters and life in them do not match the neglect of those of indifference,
we need to do more. I recommend that Cook Inlet be established as critical beluga habitat
to save them and improve all life in these waters.
- Howard Kneeland, Anchor Point, AK
Here's What Ecostewards are Saying about ORI's Work:
“This important work is critical for maintaining ecosystems, biodiversity, healthy species and a healthy planet for all of us”.
- Maureen of PBG, Florida
“ORI is imperative to the continuing existence of our planet’s numerous and varied animals. Without this total commitment and determination, future generations would be denied the absolutely beautiful and wonderful experiences of life at its best. ORI is to be commended for all that they do”.
- Andrea of Amboy, IL
“I’m proud to be associated with ORI and inspired by the work you do. It’s important to think of the ocean[s] and the rivers as a single system. One cannot be saved without the other”.
- Robert of Greensboro, NC
“Keep up the good work! We depend on organizations like yours to keep on top of environmental and wildlife issues as well as to keep us informed and provide for us a platform from which to speak”.
- Cherie of Medford, OR
“I am very grateful for your coordinated efforts to protect our waters and the creatures that make them home. Bless you and may you be greeted with many successes”.
- Pamela of Eagle River, AK
“I think the work of ORI is critical to the survival of various fresh and salt water creatures and ecosystems... ORI will always be needed as its mission covers not only the larger issues (i.e., oceans whales) but many smaller ones as well (rivers, estuaries) – the ones that would not be picked up by other organizations but are nonetheless important.”
- Arlene of Philadelphia, PA
Thanks for all the positive feedback. We'll keep up the fight for healthier ocean, rivers, and watershed ecosystems!