Cook Inlet Beluga Whale
More than a year ago NOAA's Fisheries Service determined that the Cook Inlet beluga whales of Alaska would be listed as an endangered species. Letters from ORI ecostewards helped in this effort. This great victory for these irreplaceable creatures was bittersweet because rather than designate Cook Inlet as critical habitat, NMFS deferred habitat protection for a year.

Now the NMFS is taking the next step towards saving belugas by proposing to designate more that 3,000 square miles of Cook Inlet habitat for protection. Join us in urging NMFS to follow through on their proposal to designate critical habitat. Please comment on the need for better ocean management for the beluga whale's habitat. Only by addessing troubled waters in Cook Inlet can beluga whales recover and thrive once again. 

Help with a Five Dollar Holler.

Write-in $5 on the donations page and help ORI to meet the average per person cost of influencing decision-makers. Every holler helps when saving wildlife and ecosystems. Thanks for helping us all get heard!

Blue By You Rally Artists from CCC
Blue By You Rally a Great Success!
On January 13 children and staff of the Cambridge Community Center hosted ORI's rally for a strong, ecosystem-based National Ocean Management Policy. The youths from the Center spent three days making ocean artwork to display and provided great enthusiasm for the evening rally. Later, friends and folks from several local environmental organizations gathered to talk about protecting our oceans and joined ORI for a group photo. Pictures have been posted to Wear Blue for Oceans, and are being delivered with testimonials to Obama's Task Force for a National Ocean Policy. Our pictures along with others from rallies across the country will put pressure on the Obama administration to create sound, effective policy, which will help restore the health of our oceans and the wildlife in them.

ORI's Blue by You Rally
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Choose from fourteen podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647