Westfield River at rock bottom levels

Thanks to swift actions by you and other ORI's ecostewards we achieved many successes for the oceans and rivers in 2009. Highlights include saving the Hans Creek Marine Protected Area in the British Virgin Islands from unregulated developments, and protecting vital salmon habitat in the Westfield River in Massachusetts from hot toxic waters emitted from a forestwood-burning biomass power generator.
ORI needs your support now as we gear up for more actions in 2010!

Operating outside of the box of long range plans, ORI depends on you following alerts with your support.  It is a luxury to be able to see the success of your efforts before making a gift at year end.  Please don't let ORI and partners down. ORI counts on your annual support at yearend to balance our books on 2009 endeavors. 

Whether you give $6, $24 or more, every gift matters.  Many groups need ORI's assistance.  We are limited not by our will or abilities, but only by our resources.  Every contribution makes a big difference in part because partners contribute their time and give generously inkind.  These are very trying times for our oceans and rivers.  For the people of threatened environments the needs are urgent. 
Give  and become an ORI Ecosteward!


Candlelight Vigil in Boston

6:00PM - 7:30PM, December 11, 2009
Cardinal Cushing Park at Cambridge and New Chardon Streets

Join us in solidarity with the citizens of those nations who will soon face a challenge to their very survival posed by climate change. We gather near Senator Kerry's Boston office to call for a science-based international climate treaty in Copenhagen and effective U.S. legislation that will steer us back to 350ppm of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the healthy CO2 level for Earth. 

Order of Events:
  • Pamela Bush, poet and lead organizer for Greater Four Corners ActionCoalition will read one of her poems
  • Fred Schlicher, Mass Climate Action Network will call out all the communities present
  • Vanessa Rule, Somerville will recognize the organizations involved including ORI
  • Ken Ward and Andree Zaleska will lead us in a song
  • Dominique McCadden, Students for a Just and Stable Future will speak to the younger generation's perspective
  • MA State Representative Will Brownsberger will draw a connection between Copenhagen and the importance of the states doing their part, include legislation he is filing that calls for a clean energy task force to study and make recommendations. 
  • Ken Ward and Andree Zaleska will lead us in a song
  • The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, Minister and President of the Mass Conference of the United Church of Christ will speak of the moral imperative to act and of those who are first in line to feel the impacts of Climate Change.
  • More songs and group photo for 350.org

BVI Kids Climate Change Log Artists
BVI Students Create Official Climate Change Logo

Thanks to High School students, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) Territory now has an official logo depicting the climatic changes most likely to impact the islands. Mr. Walden Benjamin, Visual Arts major of the BVI Technical and Vocational Institute, won the Climate Change Logo Competition hosted by the Conservation and Fisheries Department in conjunction with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour.

Ms Angela Burnett Penn (Brandeis 2008  grad), the Climate Change Coordinator for the Terriotory, congratulated the winner and other contestants. She believes that the designs the youths came up with demonstrate that Islanders grasp what climate change is all about. "Thanks to their efforts the Virgin Islands now has a climate change logo that we can be proud of", Ms. Penn said.

The Climate Change Logo Competition was aimed at allowing students the opportunity to gain a better understanding and personal appreciation of climate change and its impact on the Territory while showcasing their talent by creating an effective visual means by which the public as a whole can become more knowledgeable about climate change.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour and the Conservation and Fisheries Department are working to educate the public on climate change, improve climate and ecosystem monitoring, conduct climate change vulnerability assessments, and develop a climate change adaptation strategy.

VIEC Chairman, Dr. Quincy Lettsome
Dr. Quincy Lettsome, VIEC Founding Chairman
VIEC Holds a National Arbor Day on November 24
Virgin Island Environmental Council founding chairman, Dr Quincy Lettsome, in his feature address spoke of the important role trees play at the Arbour Day 2009 ceremony held at the Cedar International School on Friday, November 20. During his presentation he highlighted ten uses of plants via an interactive dialogue with students and focused on the theme, ‘You’re Just in Time to Plant a Tree in 2009.

A total of four trees, a flamboyant, a pink cedar, a pink cassia and a yellow poui, were planted on the Cedar School´s ground by the oldest and youngest students.

The National Parks Trust envisions an improved quality of life for the Territory´s citizens by the preservation and management of the natural environment. Through Arbour Day, the trust promotes the replanting of trees to improve and safe-guard water resources and minimise exposed landscapes.
To learn more about this event, click here

ORI 350 Day in Somerville
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Responsible governments require toxins to be removed before burning (instead of removed from nearby lakes, fish, and children after burning). Plant developers burn waste and profit; we breathe it and are left with the ash.
Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Choose from fourteen podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647