Protect or Seas
The growing uses of our ocean spaces for industrial and recreational purposes is becoming unsustainable and threatens the health of our oceans and Great Lakes. Last summer President Obama established an Ocean Policy Task Force to create a National Ocean Management Policy Framework, and they recently released their draft “Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning”.
Currently over 140 laws and 20 different agencies govern our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes.  This fragmented system for managing our seas is ineffective and threatens their health. “Marine Spatial Planning” would foster a comprehensive, coordinated method for better managing the usage of spaces for industrial, fishing, and recreation that is sustainable and protects and improves the health of our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes.  Without this plan, the uncontrolled expansion of usage will threaten ocean life and it’s waters as a source for food, jobs, and recreation.
Obama needs to hear why protecting and improving the health of our oceans is important to you. Tell the Obama to adopt a strong ocean management framework that will protect, maintain, and restore the health of our oceans.
Write-in $5 on the donations page and help ORI to meet the average per person cost of influencing decision-makers. Thanks for helping us all get heard!

Sherman's Lagoon Claudia crab & Finley fish wearing blue

Listen to Seaweed Rebels Rally for President Obama’s National Ocean Policy

Sherman’s Lagoon syndicated cartoonist Jim Toomey and Blue Frontier Campaign president David Helvarg talk about the goals and accomplishments of the National Ocean Policy Task Force.  What began with Sherman Lagoon’s Claudia the crab and Finley the fish wearing blue shirts in a comic strip grew to a national movement involving thousands of people for ocean conservation. David Helvarg’s “Seaweed Rebellion, Blue Frontier Campaign” has brought people together, provided unity and focus while enhancing awareness of the grassroots (seaweed holdfasts) ocean movement.

Mike Dunmeyer, Ocean Champions Executive Director, will join in with us for a frothy discussion of the Ocean Policy Task Force’s work to create a National Ocean Management Policy Framework and their recently released draft: “Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning.” Hold on to your mask and flippers.

Moir's Environmental Dialogues show
Wednesday, February 10th at 12 (noon) Eastern Time: Tune in to your internet radio for lively conversation as we rally to restore the blue in our red, white and blue.  Get informed and inspired when Rob talks with Jim, David and Mike about a spirit of hopeful celebration for 2010Moir’s Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles is available for free about a dozen hours after broadcast for streaming, MP3 file, or free on iTunes.

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Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Choose from fourteen podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647