When: Wednesday, January 13
5 Callender Street, Cambridge, MA
Refreshments Served, Donations requested at the door
Wear Blue for Healthy Oceans, Rivers and Watersheds
to The Ocean River Institute’s Rally.
President Obama’s Task Force for a National Ocean Policy is completing their work. Meanwhile carbon loading in the atmosphere is going into the oceans and, with increasing seawater acidity, causing calcareous critters to start to fizzle.
Let’s stand together dressed in blue in support of responsible inclusive ocean management with less carbon, less fizzle, for the bioregion, state and the nation.
Please join Rob and Harper of the Ocean River Institute, Priscilla Brooks and Noah Chesnin of the Conservation Law Foundation, Kim Starbuck of the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership, and Greg Wells of the Pew Environmental Group for our Wear Blue for Healthy Oceans Rivers and Watersheds Rally. Our rally is one of many promoted by WearBlueforOceans.org
5:00 p.m. Young artists complete ocean images and stand with families for photo behind a blue wavy tarp.
5:30 p.m. Doors open for rally participants with materials provided to make your own statement
6:30 p.m. Speakers say a few words on oceans
7:30 p.m. or when ready, Stand before ocean artwork with signs held high for group photo.
Claudia and Finley rally signs available for your own editorial remarks and artistic embleshments on the sands of Sherman's Lagoon
To RSVP or for more information visit ORI's Ocean Blue by You! Rally website.