Blue Fin Tuna
For healthy oceans, please write NMFS why you care about how we manage Atlantic bluefin tuna.
The Atlantic bluefin tuna is close to population collapse.  Studies show that the western Atlantic population has declined 82% since 1970. Scientists estimate that there are only 41,000 reproductively mature bluefin tuna left in the western Atlantic. Unfortunately, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is considering a proposal to increase the killing of bluefin tuna in U.S. waters with all public comments due next week.
In March 2010, nations around the world will vote on a proposal to prohibit international commercial trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna, so now is NOT the time for NMFS to increase the American catch of tuna!  We should instead lead the world in protecting bluefin tuna. 

Tell NMFS not to implement these new fishing regulations that permit the taking of more bluefin tuna. Please add your words to help protect the bluefin tuna!
NMFS is moving quickly.  Public hearing dates are Dec 14 at 3 p.m. in Silver Springs, MD and Dec 15 at 3 p.m. in Gloucester, MA. 

Waste Burning Incinerator
No New Waste-to-Energy Incinerators for MA
On Friday (12-11-09), Massachusetts environmental officials announced that a fifteen-year-old moratorium on building new incinerators will continue. The moratorium was reviewed as part of the state's efforts to revise its solid-waste master plan and reduce the 1.5 million tons of trash it exports daily.

"Responsible governments require toxins to be removed before burning (instead of removed from nearby lakes, fish, and children after burning)," wrote ORI's Rob Moir in a letter published in the Boston Globe the previous Monday (12-7-09).  "The moratorium on new waste-to-energy facilities should not change until energy facilities and government regulators prove worthy of citizen trust." Despite sophisticated emissions-control equipment, waste-to-energy facilities still emit dioxin, mercury, lead, and arsenic as well as conventional pollutants that can cause asthma, heart disease, and cancer.
Plant developers burn waste and profit; we breathe it and are left with the ash.

Governor Deval Patrick said in a statement: "We are serious about managing the waste we generate in a way that saves money for citizens and towns, curbs pollution, and protects the environment.  There are better ways than traditional incineration."

Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles said: "There has not been enough exploitation of other technologies. The waste-to-energy technology created some unacceptable choices."  The state will focus on expanding recycling efforts by pushing new legislation that would make producers of electronics responsible for their disposal, expand the state's bottle law to include water and sports drink bottles, and prod communities to increase so-called single-stream recycling, which eliminates the need for households to sort recyclables.

Westfield River of Massachusetts

Thanks to swift actions by you and other ORI's ecostewards we achieved many successes for the oceans and rivers in 2009. Highlights include saving the Hans Creek Marine Protected Area in the British Virgin Islands from unregulated developments, and protecting vital salmon habitat in the Westfield River in Massachusetts from hot toxic waters emitted from a forestwood-burning biomass power generator.
ORI needs your support now as we gear up for more actions in 2010!

Operating outside of the box of long range plans, ORI depends on you following alerts with your support.  It is a luxury to be able to see the success of your efforts before making a gift at year end.  Please don't let ORI and partners down. ORI counts on your annual support at yearend to balance our books on 2009 endeavors. 

Whether you give $6, $24 or more, every gift matters.  Many groups need ORI's assistance.  We are limited not by our will or abilities, but only by our resources.  Every contribution makes a big difference in part because partners contribute their time and give generously inkind.  These are very trying times for our oceans and rivers.  For the people of threatened environments the needs are urgent. 
Give  and become an ORI Ecosteward!


ORI 350 Day in Somerville
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Responsible governments require toxins to be removed before burning (instead of removed from nearby lakes, fish, and children after burning). Plant developers burn waste and profit; we breathe it and are left with the ash.
Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Choose from fourteen podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647