Springfield, MA river
State Government Bows to Outcries for Permitting a Construction and Demolition Debris-burning Electric Generator in Springfield, MA
ORI Ecostewards (152 to date) called out by writing letters to stop DEP from permitting Palmer Renewable Energy.  In Springfield (MA) officials at the Palmer Biomass air permit public hearing were met by a spectacular turnout of 275 people, nearly all opposed to Palmer Biomass.
The DEP announced a moratorium on biomass energy applications for qualifications under the MA RPS program.  “This moratorium has really big symbolic significance,” said Mary Booth, PhD, of Massachusetts Environmental Energy Alliance.  This will send the message to biomass utility developers that the state itself may be getting cold feet. The prospect of not being able to get renewable energy credits may cause some investors in these plants to fold their tents and go home. This also sends a message to other states across the nation planning aggressive large-scale plant development that they should take another look at their policies. This biomass building moratorium is in Massachusetts where Senator Kerry is lead sponsor of the Kerry/Boxer climate bill, a bill that contains huge incentives for biomass. 

Rally and Final Sleep Out on Boston Common before State House Held by the Leadership Campaign, “Nothing less than 100%, Nothing More than 350 ppm”
Sunday, December 6:

3PM - Rally with Rev. Lennox Yearwood , President and Founder of the Hip Hop Caucus.
4PM - Set up tents, dinner.
7PM - Briefing and strategy session.  Rev. Yearwood will join us for a conversation about strengthening and diversifying our movement. 

Windmill Raising image
Honor those who are yet to come by raising a wind turbine on the steps of the State House. 
Monday December 7th   
Join us for a moving and defiant moment that re-creates the iconic Iwo Jima image with students raising a wind turbine on the steps of the Statehouse.
Stand together to send an image to be viewed around the world on the first day of the Copenhagen Conference. 
Later Monday morning a bill to repower Massachusetts by clean electricity will be introduced!
9:30AM - Rally at the State House with Climate Leaders.  Monday is Pearl Harbor day, and to honor those who have gone before, we will be declaring our resolve to honor those who are yet to come by raising a wind turbine on the steps of the State House to capture the iconic flag raising on Iwo Jima.  Be with us for this moving and definant moment and send this image around the world on the first day of the Copenhagen Conference.
For more information:

Candlelight Vigil in Boston
6:00PM - 7:30PM, December 11, 2009
Cardinal Cushing Park at Cambridge and New Chardon Streets

Join us in solemn solidarity with the citizens of those nations who will soon face a challenge to their very survival posed by climate change. Call for a science-based international climate treaty and effective U.S. legislation to get us back to the level of 350ppm of atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  We will gather near Senator Kerry’s Boston office.
Make and bring a lantern: Cut the top 1/3 of a 2 liter soft-drink bottle, put a votive or short taper in it, poke holes through the sides at the top and string a metal string through the holes to make a handle.  This time your lantern will not be needed at the Old North Church.  Ours will be a different alert and crossing with Jim Antal of the United Church of Christ speaking.
Join with us in holding our leaders accountable.  We need a Real Deal in Copenhagen!
Co-sponsoring Organizations:
Global Warming Education Network
Home Energy-Efficiency Team
The Leadership Campaign
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Massachusetts Council of Churches

ORI Somerville 350 Day Gathering
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Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647