Cook Inlet Beluga Whale

More than a year ago NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) determined that the Cook Inlet beluga whales of Alaska would be listed as an endangered species. Letters from ORI ecostewards helped in this effort. This great victory for these irreplaceable creatures was bittersweet because rather than designate Cook Inlet as critical habitat, NMFS deferred habitat protection for a year. With the Cook Inlet beluga whale population declining, despite a ban on hunting, it’s imperative that their habitat be protected.
The NMFS is taking the next step towards saving belugas by proposing to designate more than 3,000 square miles of Cook Inlet habitat for protection. NMFS needs to hear from you now!
ORI thanks all the ecostewards who have already added their names and reasons for protecting beluga habitat to our letter! Please join the more than 2500 ecostewards in telling the NMFS why they should protect Cook Inlet for the belugas! Only by addressing troubled waters in Cook Inlet can beluga whales recover and thrive once again. 
“I grew up in Alaska, and in the '70s we would sometimes see Belugas in the Cook Inlet as we drove toward Seward.  They were a part of the identity of Alaska; a unique and wonderful creature that is part of the Alaska Native culture and legends. Our Electric company was named Beluga Electric!  Some of the earliest memories I have as a child are of seeing these wonderful beasts surface and hoping they weren't being chased by "killer whales", as we called Orcas back then.  Our planet has suffered so many permanent losses... Please protect the beautiful, unique Beluga from the same fate as so many of the once flourishing creatures of my home.”
- Pamela Ash of Eagle River, Alaska, 1/20/10
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Leadership Campaign Logo

Nothing Less than 100%, Nothing More than 350 ppm.

The Leadership Campaign needs you to raise your voice to show that we, the people of Massachusetts, want 100% clean electricity in our state in 10 years.
There is a legislative hearing THIS WEDNESDAY for our bill, as well as another bill addressing the massive CO2 emissions from biomass incinerators.

Take Action:
2) Attend the hearing. The bills are scheduled to be heard by the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy on Wednesday, February 24 at 9 am in the State House, room B1. 

Sarah Chasis
President Obama’s Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force is calling for “an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive, and understood and treasured.”  How do we achieve that vision and how do we get there from here are the topics of discussion for this episode of Moir’s Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. The guests, Sarah Chasis and Alison Chase, are from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Ms. Chasis is director of NRDC’s ocean initiative and Ms. Chase is an ocean policy analyst.  This episode's Capital Hill update from Dr. David Wilmot, Co-founder and President of Ocean Champions, is on who is doing what for ocean policy.  Listen in to hear what you can do to bring about an Executive Order for healthy seas.
Seaweed Rebels Rally and Wear Blue for President Obama’s National Ocean Policy
Episode 15 is available for download.  Sherman’s Lagoon syndicated cartoonist Jim Toomey and Blue Frontier Campaign president David Helvarg talk about the goals and accomplishments of the National Ocean Policy Task Force.  View the Wear Blue Day video and see Jim Toomey followed by Mike Dunmyer (Ocean Champions) speak to the need for Obama’s National Ocean Policy.

Blue By You Rally at CCC
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Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies.
Choose from fifteen podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental  Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles." 

Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647