Home  »  Event  »  11th Hour Calling for Climate Justice at First Parish Church in Cambridge
People stand before First Parish Church in Cambridge with signs and musical instraments including a big sousaphone.

11th Hour Calling for Climate Justice at First Parish Church in Cambridge

Date: Firday, March 11, 2022

Time: 6:00 to 6:30 pm

First Parish Church, front steps, 1446 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge

Climate Justice requires Racial Justice and More Equity

On Friday, March 11 at 6 pm, we’ll gather on the steps of First Parish Church at the monthly 11th Hour Calling. Now is the eleventh hour for action. It is also a time of hope and opportunity to tread more gently, emit less greenhouse gasses, draw down and store more greenhouse gasses, restore our water cycles, and care more for those already adversely affected by climate change, especially in the economically poorest neighborhoods.

We call on Beacon Hill to pass the 100% Clean Energy Act (H.3288/s.2136). We call on the candidates for governor to commit to (1.) require 50% of climate spending directly benefit environmental justice communities; (2.) undertake restructuring to reform utilities & modernize the grid; and (3.) to maximize the economic benefits increase funding of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Council.

The church bell will toll for eleven minutes.  The Boston Area Brigade of Activist Musicians (BABAM) will strike up the band and play in front of First Parish Church.  Together, we’ll sing out a song by Aaron Tornberg https://aarontornberg.com/music.

Boston Common Harbor

Happy 22nd Century in Boston Massachusetts

We’ll drop a shipment of green water for the Isle of Bunker Hill

The waters of the world have slowly crept over the city

Leaving only remnants of the monuments that were.



Sailing, Sailing the underwater town

From Boston Common Harbor through Charles River Sound

Scuba through the coral of colorful Back Bay

Sailing over Boston where the Red Sox used to play.