This promises to be a splendid day of learning and adventure on the waer and on land as we cruise through the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area to Thompson Island where a full suite of workshops will be offered. Learn about the islands, their history, the biodiversity of the region, and ways you can incorporate into your lesson plans.
Meet at Fox Point Pavilion Boat return to UMass at 5 pm
Sponsor of the 2008 Boston Harbor Educators Conference include: Mass Marine Educators, Mass Water Resources Authority, Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area, UMass Boston/Marine Operations, the Ocean River Institute, and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
On Friday, October 3, 2008, the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area is offering a Science Symposium on marine and terrestrial research within the Harbor Islands. The public is invited to attend. Teachers are especially welcome, and are encouraged to bring students interested in developing Boston Harbor Islands related science projects. Science Symposium will be held at U Mass Boston.