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Meet and Greet U.S. Senator Mark Begich

Date: Monday, March 15th 2010

Time: 9:30am

Grendel's Den Restaurant 89 Winthrop St., Havard Square, Cambridge, MA

Why should you attend this event?

If you would like to see the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act pass the Senate, Senator Begich on the Commerce Committee can help make that happen.

If you would like to see a fisheries catch-shares program where by sharing the catch with less waste and more profit, fish and fishing communities both survive, Senator Begich would like to hear from you and tell how this approach to management is rescuing the Alaska halibut, both the fish and the AK fisheries.

Why is Senator Mark Begich an ocean and climate champion?

With 44,000 miles of shoreline and predictions of rising seas becoming a reality, if ever a state needed a champion for oceans it is Alaska. Senator Begich, understands that Alaska is “ground zero for the impacts of climate change” and that leadership is about creating, not pocketing change. As mayor he worked to reduce emissions, and make Anchorage a more energy efficient city while also working with international winter cities to “address climate change.” Sen. Begich also invested $10 million to remove barriers to fish passage, maintain and restore riparian habitats, and increase public involvement in salmon and watershed stewardship in the state’s largest city. In 2007, his Salmon in the City program received two national awards – the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Award and the Coastal America Partners Award from the Office of the President. This summer Sen. Begich introduced proposals “to replace thousands of city street lights with energy-efficient LED fixtures, and a Sustainable Building Initiative requiring ‘green’ city buildings and incentives for private sector builders.” Sen. Begich has co-sponsored S. 817 (Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act of 2009) and S. 685 (Oil Spill Prevention Act of 2009).