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Saving Indian River Lagoon Dinner

Date: Tuesday, January 24th, 2013

Time: 6 pm

Finz Waterfront Grille Stuart, Florida

In the epic drama of local governments there are ordinary people who accomplish extraordinary acts of environmental justice that move us incrementally to nothing less than saving the world, a bluer and greener planet Earth.

You are cordially invited to join the Third Annual Sunshine Wildlife & Ocean River Institute Fundraising Dinner & Auction

Tickets $45 per person (includes salad, buffet dinner, dessert, beverage & Rob’s talk)

Featured Speaker: Rob Moir, Ph.D.

Saving IRL Dolphins with Green Acres and Cleaner Waters (“is the place to be”)

RSVP Capt Nancy Beaver 772-219-0148

The Ocean River Institute will recognize

Martin County Commissioner Patrick Hayes for his heroic action in leading passage of a lawn fertilizer ordinance. The action reduces nutrient pollution into Indian River Lagoon, while maintaining green lawns. Lawn owners are now using at least 50% slow release nitrogen and are honoring setbacks from waterways. Martin County lawn owners now have a “Hayes Holiday” from fertilizing lawns from June 1 to September 30th, saving money, time, ocean wildlife and beach recreation.

The Ocean River Institute is proud to recognize four blue green heroes.

Patrick-Hayes-MartinCountyCommissionerMartin County Commissioner Patrick Hayes enacted the toughest lawn fertilizer ordinance in Florida that bans fertilizer application during the summer rainy months, a time when the most dolphins were dying in Indian River Lagoon.


GeraldoAliceabigportraitMassachusetts State Representative Geraldo Alicea improved water systems for clean water and was awarded highest score by the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters.


ayannapressleyBoston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley formed and is currently chairing the Committee on Women and Healthy Communities. Pressley has promoted and led climate change solutions that are both economically progressive and low cost to appeal to lower income communities.

MayorLisaWongFitchburg Mayor Lisa Wong assisted 179 year old company complete a cogeneration project that lowers energy cost and enables 150 existing jobs to continue with an outlook for more. Wong’s Fitchburg Greenway Committee was recognized as Conservationists of the Year by The Trustees of Reservations.