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Second Annual Sunshine Wildlife and Ocean River Fundraising Dinner

Date: Tuesday, January, 25, 2011

Time: Cash Bar at 6:00, Dinner at 7:30

Finz Waterfront Grille. 4290 Salerno Road, Stuart, FL

Sunshine Wildlife, Indian Lagoon

Indian-River-Lagoon-dolphinsThe American wood stork nests on an island in the Indian River lagoon in southeast Florida. This island is one of the top ten bird rookeries in Florida.  Indian River Lagoon is North America’s most diverse estuary.  It is here that ORI’s Sunshine Wildlife director, Nancy Beaver, is working to research and preserve Florida marine wildlife.  Contributors to ORI have enabled Capt Nan to transport and plant Spartina grass along the shoreline of the wood storks’ natal island to help stop erosion from wave intensity.  This is the only place in Martin County where American woods storks nest.

Support a Healthy Estuary

The Wild Dolphin Project out of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is one of Capt Nan’s favorite projects.  The Sunshine Lady carries personal and equipment traveling Indian Lagoon from Sebastian Inlet to St. Lucie Inlet.  They are now in their ninth year of updating the health assessments of dolphins, helping to monitor sick or injured marine mammals. The dolphins that Capt Nan observes stay in the general area and only travel about 20 to 25 miles a day.

Please Join Us In Recognition of the

11th Year Anniversary of Sunshine Wildlife Tours

Featured Speaker: Steve McCulloch

Director of Wild Dolphin Project

Tickets $40/ person  (includes salad, choice of entree, desert & beverage)

Attire: Casual Island Style

~ Support the continuing education of the public about “The Most Diverse Estuary in North America” and our efforts to restore the health of the Estuary’s waters, shorelines and wildlife.~

~ ORI’s Sunshine Wildlife is collaborating with the Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center to protect the island from shoreline erosion and to better the overall health of Indian Lagoon estuary.~

~ Dr. Vincent Encomio and Capt Nan collect oyster shells from area restaurants. Fresh shells that need time to age are swapped with aged shells. Oyster shells are transported aboard the Sunshine Lady and deposited along the island’s shore.~

~Dr Encomio and Capt Nan are monitoring the water quality. They hope to soon see some healthy new oyster beds.~