The ducks and ocean wildlife are back by popular acclaim after being displayed for a decade on Mount Auburn Street by the Post Office. Thanks to all who participated in our put back the ducks campaign and wrote wonderful comments.
Ducks and more will be on display in the bank window opposite the Kiosk in the heart of Harvard Square.
The Bank of America is a renowned community partner, long-time member of the Harvard Square Business Association and affable host of ORI’s Ducks of Harvard Square display.
Every town or city has a unique heritage. Ducks and Harvard Square go together like…. well, like just about any classical pairing one can imagine. Ducks are special and especially special to Harvard Square. Please help keep our wildlife in this urban area for all to enjoy. Laura Jones-Bedel San Diego, CA
Just as Make Way for Ducklings bring smiles to the faces of all who walk in The Public Garden, the Ocean River Institute exhibit in your windows will not only bring smiles, ducks remind all of the importance of healthy rivers nearby and oceans everywhere. Bring Back the Ducks!! Betsy Shure Gross, Davis, CA
I am a marine biologist who works to conserve sea turtles and seeing the duck display in Harvard square could inspire another child to do the same. Kimberly Riganon, Stuart, FL