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What Does Mercury Do?

  • Teeth. The greatest toxic burden in our bodies for many of us are mercury amalgam “silver” fillings in our teeth, which are about 50% mercury, and off-gas vapors with heat and abrasion. Got silver fillings? Is there trouble in your mouth?
  • Body/Physical Health. What does mercury do to the body and its symphony of interconnected systems? What are signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning?  What chronic diseases does it present as?
  • Brain/Memory. What does mercury do to the brain, behavior, mental status, mind, moods and senses? What does mercury do to memory formation and retrieval, cognition, and executive functions?
  • Mobility/Movement Disorders. What does mercury do to the central and peripheral nervous systems? How does it impact mobility and independence?
  • Baby/Children. Is there a hidden river of mercury in umbilical cords? Breast milk? What does our mercury do to our children when moms have it in their teeth?
  • Cremation/Legacy. Ashes to ashes? Are mercury fillings emitting toxic vapors after death? Why are there not adequate pollution controls required on crematoria, or removal of mercury fillings before cremation?

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