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Actiecomité Vlieghinder Baarn

Future Actiecomité Vlieghinder Baarn events can be found here.

Dutch Footprint Group


Grootouders voor het Klimaat

Square Meetings
Description: Grootouders voor het Klimaat (Grandparents for the Climate) regularly hold demonstrations to send a message to the parliamentarians in the House of Representatives.

Where: The Plein in the Lower House in the Hague

When: The first and third Thursday of each month at 3PM

Description: Grootouders voor het Klimaat will host a lecture on climate change and what you can do to help.

Where: Hoeksche Waard Library in Mijnsheerenland

When: February 28, 2019

Actieve voorleesmiddag ‘De Klimaatjes’
Description: Grandparents will read children’s books about the climate to children ages 5-7 (but younger and older siblings may join!). Other activities for the kids include coloring pages, making fans, and painting canvas bags to use at supermarkets instead of plastic bags. The children’s mayor of Eindhoven will also attend to help gather the “future dreams” of the children. The dreams will then be presented to an alderman of the municipality of Eindhoven.

Where: De Bibliotheek Eindhoven, Emmasingel 22, 5611 AZ Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant

When: Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM UTC+01

Other events
Future Grootouders voor het Klimaat events can be found here.

Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie


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