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Green VI

Print  is a nonprofit organization located in the British Virgin Islands which works to demonstrate the principles and benefits of sustainable living in the beautiful BVI – through education and practical projects – along the themes of waste, education, energy and water.

Each year, Green V.I. and Nutmeg Designs organize our Annual CHAIR-ity 2015. Chairs made by the community from recycled, repurposed, reclaimed materials are auctioned off; and funds are used to continue our work to ‘green’ the British Virgin Islands (BVI).

Our most visible project, Green-V.I.’s Glass Studio, transforms old bottles into beautiful works of art. This year some of this recycled glass art, and related photography, from our Fragile Tings exhibit will also be auctioned.

For more information on our work visit: Green V.I.

If you are not located in the British Virgin Islands but want to be involved or contribute, you may donate by clicking here.  If you’d like to restrict your gift to Green V.I. please write “For Green V.I.” on the gift form.

Ocean River Institute, Inc. is a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization as described in section 501 c 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations and bequests to Ocean River Institute are tax-deductible as allowed by law, for income, gift, and estate tax purposes.

Ocean River Institute acknowledges market value at time of transaction of appreciated securities, mutual funds, bonds or similar assets. Ocean River Institute account manager will sell gifted assets soon after receipt.