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2. The Race for Salem Sound and Coastwatchers

Dive into a portion of Mass Bay, Atlantic Ocean with Barbara Warren and Susan Yochelson of Salem Sound Coastwatch. The Race for Salem Sound is for swimmers, kayakers and canoes with 2.5 & 5 mi courses on Saturday 7-25, at Forest River Park, 98 WestAve, Salem MA The Harbor is swimmable thanks to SSCW, a non-profit coastal watershed organization dedicated to taking cooperative action to protect and enhance environmental quality of the entire Salem Sound Watershed. SSCW assists communities with volunteer monitoring programs (Clean Beaches & Streams, Coastal Habitat Invasives Monitoring Program, Wetland Health Assessment Toolbox, Stream Teams), on-the ground restoration projects (salt marsh and anadromous fish habitat restoration and stormwater remediation), public education (beach water quality and stormwater education), and municipal assistance protective bylaw development and public education. www.salemsound.org