Home  »  Podcast  »  56. The Greening of Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Mayor Lisa Wong

56. The Greening of Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Mayor Lisa Wong takes Rob down to the Nashua River that is the reason for this New England industrial town.  Once the river ran through mill factories; now walls that channelized and accelerated are coming down with the building of three green parks.  Andrea Freeman of the Trustees of Reservations, DPW Commissioner Lenny Laakso and Bob Jokela, Business Manager of the Fitchburg Public Schools all tell of their respective effort to green the city and strengthen community.  When police cruisers are retired, reducing carbon footprint with donated motorcycles and pedal bicycles, not only do police interact more closely with community, a group of high school seniors ask the Mayor how they can become Fitchburg policemen. Hear why similar requests are being made of DPW, Parks & Recreation, and schools. The Fitchburg Mayor faces a tough reelection vote on November 8, 2011 due to out-of-town factors.

The Video: Lisa Wong endorsed by the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters and Ryan discovers first signs of beaver on Nashua River dining in downtown Fitchburg.