The ocean has its stories to tell – as anyone who has ridden its waves or walked its shores knows. The stories are as simple as beauty and as complex as… well, say, watershed ecosystems or estuary ecology. Understanding the complexities help us appreciate our oceans and also helps us learn to take better care of them. This is what a new term is all about – Ocean Literacy. While complex, this Ocean Literacy doesn’t have to be confusing. In fact, it can be downright exciting, fun, and (who would of thought?) danceable. U.C. Berkeley’s Craig Strang (of Lawrence Hall of Science, COSEE and MARE fame) along with environmental troubadours extraordinaire, the Banana Slugs String Band, will be our guides on this adventure. Doug “Dirt” Greenfield, “Airy” Larry Graff, “Marine” Mark Nolan, and “Solar” Steve Van Zandt of the Banana Slug String Band will give us the downstream low-down on watersheds and bays, salty and fresh. So get ready to get down!