Sue Reid, Vice President of Conservation Law Foundation, spoke with Rob about the actions being taken to address climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, funding of environmental agencies, and transportation. Sue walks her talk one mile from home to subway station.
Massachusetts businesses, home owners and electrical utilities have benefited greatly from clean energy initiatives including the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Yet there is still much to be done to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and methane – more than growing fewer beans in greenhouses for less gas. Leaky gas lines are a big problem.
There is a pressing need to enable environmental agencies by equipping them with greater resources, including both funding and political will. Transportation issues loom large, from maintaining and expanding reliable and affordable public transportation to meeting highway and bridge repair obligations. Clearly financial feedback loops are needed to put more funds to work. Conservation Law Foundation has been at the fore of these fights for decades. Sue presents interesting ideas and covers much ground of a vast challenge.