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Nancy Beaver

Episode 52: Troubles In Florida’s Indian River Lagoon

Rob talks about the current environmental issues of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon and what homeowners can do for a healthy Lagoon. George Jones, the Indian River Lagoon Riverkeeper, tells Rob about the uniqueness of the Lagoon and the importance of staying vigilant in protecting this invaluable resource. Jim Egan, Executive Director of the Marine Resources Council, has lots to say about the current problems facing the Lagoon, what is causing them, and what people can do.

Capt. Nancy Beaver joins the program later on to echo the alarm raised early or the dying of seagrass beds that are being blotted out by algal blooms.  Summer rains brought nutrients from the land. Nutrients caused algae to grow to such an extent that insufficient light is reaching the seagrass and there on die-offs in the northern reaches of Indian River Lagoon.

Martin County Commissioner Patrick Hayes joins the conversation and comes to the rescue with an ordinance passed just before the summer rains arrived banning the application of lawn fertilizers from June 1 through September 30th as well as other measures to save Indian River Lagoon. Commissioner Haynes concludes the show with the big picture: “we need to take every opportunity we can to reduce our urban footprint.”  Join with ORI in urging more counties to enact lawn awareness and lagoon stewardship ordinances.