The Ocean River Institute assists the Rushing River Institute and sponsors an evening gathering co-hosted by eight riparian groups to advance comprehensive ecosystem-based adaptive management of Massachusetts rivers.

River Management Society members take measure of the Lamprey River (NH).
Rivers to the Sea Reception, Boston, July 19, 2007
Eight river related environmental watershed groups and scientists co-hosted a warm July evening overlooking the Boston Common. The Rushing River Institute of Amherst MA presented some of the river science they bring to rivers as far flung as the Delaware River and smaller rivers in New Hampshire to a gathering of about 100 people.
The Ocean River Institute spoke of the collalition gathering in support of better ocean management for Massachusetts state waters, all 1.6 million acres.
The assembled river advocates discussed how best to present challenges faced by river managers at a state hearing on a rivers bill scheduled for the next week day morning. The subsequent state hearing on river management saw for the first time more comprehensive river management advocates speak than developers.