Tag Archives: clean water

Why the Gulf of Maine Surface Ocean Waters are Warming Faster than Elsewhere

None of us are strangers to the reports of the Gulf of Maine heating 97% faster than the world’s oceans. However, the actual reasons for this can be lost in the constant headlines about global warming and rising greenhouse gases. To explain this extraordinary phenomenon, let’s look closely at four factors: surface seawater temperatures, heat…

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Slowing water runoff, recharging groundwater, and storing more carbon in healthier soils

Consider the Earth Rehydration Drought Relief Carbon Offset Fund to fight climate change, increase climate resiliency, minimize human environmental impacts, and restore nature. The fund takes a two-pronged approach.  The first part of the Fund focuses on slowing water down and restoring natural water cycles. In natural areas where the ground is covered in healthy soil,…

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Lawn by Lawn, with Nature Doing the Work, We Can Cool the Planet

Thursday July 23, the Ocean River Institute’s Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Competition was in Bridgewater. Jacklyn Norris (left) of Bridgewater University Environmental Action Team was assisted by Susanna Buckley (Connecticut College) and Adibah Shaikh (U Mass Lowell). The winning towns are those with the greatest number of households pledging to maintain natural lawns…

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