Tag Archives: conservation

Slowing water runoff, recharging groundwater, and storing more carbon in healthier soils

Consider the Slow Water Drought Relief Carbon Offset Fund to fight climate change, increase climate resiliency, minimize human environmental impacts, and restore nature. The fund takes a two-pronged approach.  The first part of the Slow Water Fund focuses on slowing water down and restoring natural water cycles. In natural areas where the ground is covered in…

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Lawn by Lawn, with Nature Doing the Work, We Can Cool the Planet

Thursday July 23, the Ocean River Institute’s Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Competition was in Bridgewater. Jacklyn Norris (left) of Bridgewater University Environmental Action Team was assisted by Susanna Buckley (Connecticut College) and Adibah Shaikh (U Mass Lowell). The winning towns are those with the greatest number of households pledging to maintain natural lawns…

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Hope for the bees

There is hope for the bees when there’s clover in the lawn. Researchers discovered that lawns in Springfield Massachusetts when cut every three weeks instead of weekly resulted in as many as 2.5 times more lawn flowers, mostly clover and dandelions, and a great diversity of 93 species of bees. Thursday, May 20th is the…

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Pilot Whales in Steadfast Family Groups Strand on the Sandy Shoals of Tasmania

Recently, nearly five hundred long-finned pilot whales have stranded themselves on sand spits in the waters off of Macquarie Heads on Tasmania’s west coast.  A place much like Wellfleet in Massachusetts Bay, this is a tidal area with shallow shoals of sand and mudflats.  Marquarie Heads is a known hotspot for pilot whale stranding.  More…

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