Blue crab megalops (larvae) were found in De Soto Canyon, a continental slope ocean ecosystem, by scientists to have ingested oil. In a few weeks the crabs will molt into juvenile “first crabs” and move into less saline estuary waters. The trouble is two-fold: Oil has entered the food chain and, if not eaten, these blue crabs may not be able to reproduce. Crab fishing in Louisiana alone is a $300 million a year industry.
On this week’s episode of Moir’s Environmental Dialogues, Aaron Viles (Gulf Coast Restoration Network) talked with Rob about the blue crab larvae and other Gulf spill issues. Aaron described how scientists were unable to locate the twenty-mile in diameter, thousand foot deep oily plume observed off Alabama. Oil-eating bacteria have probably consumed the multitude of minute oil drops suspended in the enormous plume. The Gulf of Mexico is an oily ecosystem with naturally occurring “oil seeps.” There’s much for microbes to breakdown (and pass up the food chain?).
Indian River Lagoon bottlenose dolphins, photo by Capt Nan Beaver
Also, on this week’s episode of Moir’s Environmental Dialogues, Rob talked with Dr. Greg Bossart about suffering Indian River Lagoon dolphins. Dr. Bossart has been researching bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon for many years. He continues to be astonished by how many different ailments dolphins must deal with, including viruses, skin-eating fungal infections, heightened resistance to antibiotics and high levels (21x acceptable limits for human consumption) of mercury. Hear about dolphins in troubled waters and learn what we can do to help.
Chris Laughlin (Ocean Champions) called in to say ocean protection paddler Margo Pellegrino (featured in last episode) was welcomed to Santa Cruz Harbor beach. Margo’s off to San Diego shaded by an OC cap. Mike Dunmyer completed the episode with ocean conservation actions on Capital Hill for this fall.
The Lorax is how I like to refer to U.S. Congressional Rep Paul Hodes (NH). When he was with the NH AG Office he not only spoke for the trees, he participated in New Hampshire’s first successful criminal environmental prosecution against polluters.
This year, Ocean Champions has endorsed Mr. Hodes for his leadership on ocean conservation as a Congressman, and his incredible potential as a Senator. In the 111th Congress, he cosponsored the landmark Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act (a.k.a. Oceans 21), along with bills to improve coastal water quality, reduce mercury pollution and help threatened sea otters recover. He helped pass the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia bill and the Omnibus Public Lands Act, which contained several important ocean bills, including one to monitor and study ocean acidification. As his 100% lifetime LCV score indicates, he's been consistently strong on all environmental issues.
On Monday, August 30th, Ocean Champions PAC will host a lunch for Paul Hodes in Boston. If you will be in the area, would like to help make this event a success and meet a true ocean champion, please email me for an invitation with host committee and further details. Join Congressman Hodes as he fights to protect our oceans, coasts, rivers and watersheds, and works for clean energy solutions to power America in the 21 century.
Support ORI While You Shop – Really!
The Ocean River Institute recently became a nonprofit partner with the online shopping portal, MarketAmerica.com. When you search for an item this site brings you all the deals at various online stores and, when you purchase the item, you help fund ORI’s efforts saving our oceans, rivers, and lagoons. All you have to do is visit ORI’s MarketAmerica.com website. If you sign up on the site, besides supporting ORI, you will also receive cash back on purchases. You don’t need to sign up with MarketAmerica.com to support ORI. However, if you do you'll meet Kristin Joyce. Her phone number is posted on your sign in page. Kristin knows ORI and she would be happy to assist you. And, it never hurts to get cash back while helping the cause.
Discover how, with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles, individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from twenty-eight podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. Also available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles."
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |