In 2008, the dolphins of Florida's Indian River Lagoon were dying at such an alarming rate that the situation was declared a "marine mammal unusual mortality event." This year, it looks like another such event is underway. To save the Indian River Lagoon dolphins, we must lessen the phosphorus and nitrogen entering the lagoon.
The dolphins' home has become a toxic soup. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) gets more than 400,000 pounds of phosphorus per year. That's 200,000 more pounds than it can sustain. The EPA also estimates that IRL gets 3 million pounds of nitrogen per year, over a million more than what it can sustain. We have the power to change the fate of these dolphins, who are being found emaciated, with respiratory problems, brain lesions, and other signs of suffering.
Senator Robert O'Leary, Priscilla Brooks, Conservation Law Foundation; Leon Panetta, Joint Ocean Commission Initiative; Jack Clarke, Mass Audubon; and John Phillips, Ocean Conservancy.
Ocean Champions Endorses Robert O'Leary
for Massachusetts' 10th Congressional District
State Senator Robert O'Leary, author and co-sponsor of The Massachusetts Ocean Act, has been endorsed by Ocean Champions to represent Massachusetts' 10th district in the House of Representatives.
The Massachusetts Ocean Act mandated an ocean management plan that balances and protects the natural, social, cultural, and economic interests of the marine ecosystems through integrated management, while protecting biodiversity and ecosystem health. The plan supports sustainable use of marine resources, including renewable energy, and incorporates new knowledge as the basis for management that adapts to address changing conditions.
The Ocean Act is indicative of Mr. O'Leary's work as a State Senator, where he consistently connected environmental conservation and economic stability, believing that healthy oceans and thriving fisheries will protect maritime jobs now and in the future. In addition, he sees renewable energy development and curbing greenhouse gas emissions as critical for national security and economic growth as well as for environmental health.
To save dolphins, we must lessen the amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen entering the ecosystem. On this week's espisode of Moir's Environmental Dialogues Rob talks with Stephen McCulloch, Founder/Manager of Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Program, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University at Fort Pierce. Steve rescued dolphins, manatees, and even Arctic seals in Florida. Since 1999 more than 200 marine mammals have been rescued. Steve recently helped transport and release almost 400 sea turtles; in FL effort that released 4,000 turtles. We can greatly reduce nutrient pollution in the Indian River Lagoon and lessen our subsequent role in the death of the lagoon dolphins by not using fertilizers with phosphorous and quick release nitrogen. Take Action with the Ocean River Institute.
Biomass incinerators should be subject to the law, just like other sources of CO2! Let’s protect our health and the planet by telling EPA to make new Clean Air Act rules that regulate greenhouse gases from industry smokestack emissions including those of biomass, building debris, and garbage (“trash-to-energy”) incinerators. Predictably, the biomass and garbage incinerator industry and their lobbyists are fighting to be exempt from the rules. Now is the time to help us debunk the industry LIES!
ORI is partnering with the Stop Spewing Carbon Campaign on this advocacy effort. EPA issued a "Call for Information" – and wants to hear from YOU! Comments are due Monday, September 13, 2010 by midnight. The industry is clamoring so we've got to raise our voices loud and clear and let the EPA know what we think!
There are two new ways to save our oceans and rivers while you shop online! This month Little Twig, an online green products for mothers and children store, is donating 15% of their sales on Wednesdays to ORI. Or, visit ORI's Market America Portal at www.marketamerica.com/ori to shop from thousands of online stores. For every purchase you make, ORI earns a percentage.
Discover how, with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles, individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from twenty-nine podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. Also available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles."
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |