The ongoing oil spill is causing monumental problems, which become more known each passing week. One problem is BP’s application of 1,100,000 gallons of toxic, cancer-causing, endocrine disruptive dispersants! A Gi’normous problem: scientific estimates (NOAA, WHOI, MIT) are currently 1.47 million to 2.52 million gallons of oil and gas a day! That is one Exxon Valdez every four days! Worse, some experts say that the BP oil pipe could continue gushing oil into December!
President Obama made the right calls for the Gulf of Mexico disaster. However, his Oval Office speech missed the Churchill moment to take the clean-up battle to the Gulf, to the shores and into the estuaries. He failed to mention the massive efforts of many to clean up the oil. Missing were the details of the armada of vessels, ships and boats, the Coast Guard, NOAA ships, oceanography vessels, and underwater seagliders. Missing was how local communities are rallying to save their shores with a chaotic array of approaches including sinking barges and rocks, building berms of rubble, and using 36 inch steel pipes filled with foam. Missing is the suffering of many working on the water and on the shore from dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and chest pains. Waterkeepers give out gas masks, and BP takes masks away from coastal workers saying they will not pay workers who wear protective devices.
We want Obama be the hero of people working to protect the ocean and shores. We need him to save our oceans and combat the climate crisis. Please write to President Obama and ask him to lead a strong climate bill to passage, reinstate the moratorium for all new offshore drilling, and to establish a national ocean policy.
Anne Smrcina, Craig MacDonald, Rob Moir, Ben Cowie-Haskell
NOAA released the final management plan for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary today. “Letters gathered and organized by the Ocean River Institute demonstrated that many people from beyond New England and around the world have experienced Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary though whale watches and other recreational activities,” said Craig MacDonald, the sanctuary’s superintendent
Based on years of scientific study and extensive public input, the new management plan focuses on key issues affecting the sanctuary. This includes ecosystem alteration, wildlife disturbance, vessel traffic and its potential threat to marine mammals, water quality, and invasive species. The plan will guide the sanctuary's resource protection and conservation efforts over the next five years.
The management plan is posted on the sanctuary's website at http://stellwagen.noaa.gov. When you speak out, it continues to make a positive impact on our oceans and marine life.
7:00 pm Friday, June 25, 2010
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA
Master of Ceremonies: Philippe Cousteau
Music by the Kapalakiko Hawaiian Band
Join the Third Annual Blue Frontier / Peter Benchley Awards at the California Academy of Sciences on June 25 at 6:30 PM, and help recognize top Oil Disaster Responders including Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Cynthia Sarthou and our MC Philippe Cousteau, and come celebrate some of the world’s top Ocean Explorers and Marine Conservationists. The Awards are designed to celebrate the legacy of ‘Jaws’ Author, writer, filmmaker and marine conservationist Peter Benchley.
Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director of the Gulf Restoration Network, is receiving the "Hero of the Seas" award. Gulf Restoration has been working with us in the National Ocean Policy outreach group with weekly telephone conferences beginning in December. ORI is assisting with the letter writing campaign above urging the President for no more offshore drilling, clean energy, and a national ocean policy.
Dr. Jane Lubchenco of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is receiving the Ocean Policy award. ORI ecostewards have written letters to her for protection of the Cook Inlet (AK) beluga whales. First we wrote for the beluga population to be classified as endangered. Next we wrote for more comprehensive and coherent management of beluga habitat.
The growing oil spill disaster in the Gulf - now the largest spill in U.S. history - is at the top of everyone's concerns these days. It's wreaking immediate and lasting damage on wildlife and the economy in the Gulf. On this week's internet radio episode of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Rob speaks with Mike Dunmeyer of Ocean Champions about turning this disaster into some positive actions. They discuss the actions being taken by Obama to halt new ocean drilling and get strong climate legislation. Mike and Rob talk about the various clean energy solutions out there to fight the climate crisis and grow a green economy. The first step is to reinstate the national moratorium on all new ocean drilling. Mike also talks about how setting carbon emmission reductions and establishing a cap and trade system will help industry and spur new jobs. Last, Mike talks about what's being done in Washington to turn this drilling travesty into a positive by getting a national ocean policy established. Rob shares the work the Ocean River Institute and its network of ecostewards are doing to call for clean energy, no new drilling, and a National Ocean Policy.
More Ways To Get Involved!
Discover how with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from twenty-two podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. Also available free on iTunes, search "Moir's" or "Achilles."
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |