We need your support right now! Please make an end of year donation to ORI. Contribute to our efforts to save our environment and wildlife, from the beluga whales of Cook Inlet (AK) to the dolphins of the Indian River Lagoon (FL).
Your gift to ORI strengthens our public education and together we influence decision-makers to protect our precious rivers and oceans. With your help ORI can:
- Fight to protect Indian River Lagoon dolphins from toxic slime
- Advocate for a strong national ocean endowment to support ocean science and stewardship
- Mobilize individuals and groups for effective environmental policies and ordinances
- Help grassroots groups take effective action to protect local ecosystems
- Make sure your voice is heard by elected officials
ORI is fighting to save critical marine habitat and wildlife. We can win these battles, but we need your support for these vital efforts. Please donate now.
This Sunday, October 10th 350.org and other leading environmental organizations are joining with people around the world for a Global Work Party to celebrate climate solutions. People are gathering to do things like painting flat-top roofs white to cut down on energy usage, putting up solar panels on roofs, planting trees and hanging gardens.
Help ORI broadcast to elected officials that if ordinary people can get to work on the climate crisis then politicians should too!
The National Endowment for the Oceans (S.3641) co-sponsors Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Olympia Snowe have requested ORI to assist in adding a Republican Senator to co-sponsor the NEO bill. Rob Moir and a group of ocean advocates led by the Ocean Conservancy met with a number of Senate staffers on the Hill. Meeting in Senator Brown’s office were Dave Casoni of the MA Lobsterman’s Association, John Williamson, Seakeeper, Jim Lanard, Offshore Wind Development Coalition and Rob. Senator Brown was thrilled to meet us, in particular the lobsterman who was ready with lobster bumper sticker for his truck. Senator Brown said he looks forward to learning more about the NEO bill.
Together we can make ocean endowment a reality, make healthy ocean and river ecosystems our future!
Support ORI While You Shop – Really!
October is a busy month, as people are winterizing their homes and begin their holiday shopping. This year, why not get all the things you need and support healthier ocean ecosystems simultaneously. The Ocean River Institute is now a nonprofit partner with the online shopping portal, MarketAmerica.com. When you search for an item this site brings up products from a selection of 1000s of stores. Market America sells lots of green products that meet all your needs!
Every time you go through the portal to make a purchase, a percentage goes toward ORI’s efforts. All you have to do is visit ORI’s MarketAmerica.com website. If you sign up on the site, besides supporting ORI, you will also receive cash back on purchases. You don’t need to sign up with MarketAmerica.com to support ORI. So, do some of your early holiday shopping here, today!
Discover how, with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles, individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from thirty podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. Also available free on iTunes, search "Moir's".
Surfer Duck quacks: "Don't duck your responsibilities
for healthier skies, oceans and rivers!" |
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |