Gulf of Maine waters map
The Gulf of Maine Habitat Restoration and Conservation Initiative is a collaborative, public-private partnership working to develop and implement a unified habitat restoration and land conservation strategy for the Gulf of Maine. The partnership has produced a draft of the US Gulf of Maine Habitat Restoration and Conservation Plan. The plan is a blueprint to ensure a healthy Gulf ecosystem, which in turn will allow a suite of industries and businesses to reap economic benefits from it.

“The Gulf of Maine plan parallels one created in 2005 for the Great Lakes, which last year resulted in a congressional program authorization and a $475 million "down payment" to begin restoration of the Great Lakes. Other ecosystems that are getting big money include the Chesapeake Bay, Long Island Sound, Puget Sound, Lake Champlain, Everglades, and several other “Great Waters.” Gulf of Maine will only get its due if the people who care about it speak up about it to their elected officials. This new plan gives everyone something specific to ask for.”  Peter Alexander, Talking Conservation
Stewardship in Boston Tidepools

Assist the US Senators who introduced The National Endowment for the Oceans Act (S.3641), a bill that promotes the protection and conservation of our ocean, coastal, and Great Lake ecosystems by writing with ORI to your Senators.  The purpose of this Act is to "restore and understand . . .ensuring present and future generations will benefit from the full range of ecological, economic, educational, social, cultural, nutritional, and recreational opportunities these resources are capable of providing." This endowment will help science keep pace with the changes happening to oceans and other "Great Waters". 

The Senators have asked ORI to rally ecostewards to urge their Senators to advance lighthouse legislation to establish a national endowment for the oceans. 
Ocean River Institute Tee Shirt

With the holiday season fast approaching, we are happy to announce that you can now buy an Ocean River Institute tee shirt. ORI has partnered with, a 1% for the Planet Company in Kentucky, run by artist Kyle Robinson. The plight of suffering dolphins and Oceanus, the ocean river, inspired this limited edition shirt’s design. 30% of your purchase goes directly to supporting our efforts!

Besides supporting ORI, you will feel good wearing a shirt made from Earth friendly fabric – 50% post consumer recycled polyesters (like plastic bottles) and 50% from organic cotton that supports farmers that have recently switched to organic farming methods. This means less phosphorus and nitrogen sliming our waters, less waste filling our landfills, less toxic fumes, and less carbon getting into our atmosphere. Visit our corporate sponsor education page - Evironmental Stewardship, Changing Practices - and discover other actions you can take to address these problems.

Shipping is free for all shirts ordered by November 30th. Please order yours today!

Buy this beautifully designed shirt for healthy oceans today! Click here
Harbor Seal for ORI
We need your support right now! Through your giving, ORI continues to educate the public and influence politicians to protect our precious rivers and oceans.  With your help we:
  • Fight to protect Indian River Lagoon dolphins from toxic slime
  • Advocate for a strong national ocean endowment to support ocean science and stewardship
  • Support Chelsea Creek Action Group's efforts to give East Boston locals their salt marsh 
  • Mobilize individuals and groups for effective environmental rules and policies
  • Help local groups take effective action to protect local ecosystems
  • Make sure your voice is heard by elected officials
ORI is fighting to save critical habitats and wildlife. We can win these battles, but we need your support for these vital efforts. Please donate now.
Rob on Cooper Island, AK

Shop online to save our oceans and rivers! Shop at ORI's Market America Portal. For every purchase you make, ORI earns a percentage.

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Discover how, with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles, individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from thirty-two podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of AchillesAlso available free on iTunes, search "Moir's".
Ocean River Duckie!
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647