You wrote the most letters in support of belugas, the magnificent whistling and chirping white whales of Cook Inlet, Alaska. You demanded critical habitat designation of their home waters. That decision is still pending.
Our Indian River Lagoon (FL) campaign to save dolphins suffering from excessive nitrogen and phosphorus pollution was second with 18% of the letters written. Participation was 15% in the Green Slime, Red Tide Nevermore campaign. Nearly tied for second (17%) was No New Drilling combined with Let’s Federalize the Clean Up. A three way tie for third goes to the National Endowment for Oceans, a National Ocean Policy and Take Harmful Chemicals Out of Drinking Water. You also wrote letters in 2010 to build a salt marsh on Chelsea Creek, protect blue fin tuna and Atlantic wolfish, save the British Virgin Islands, the Westfield River and Stellwagen Bank.
When you write and join with ORI’s efforts, decision-makers listen. They listen because many of you take the time to put the issue into your own words. They listen because your letters are thoughtful and heartfelt. Decision makers do not always decide the way we want. However, decisions are made in the knowledge of an articulate populace, us, speaking up from across the nation and beyond. Thank you for enabling ORI to make a positive difference on the environmental questions of our times.
Cartoonist Jim Toomey created a special Sherman’s Lagoon poster saying "Wear blue for a national ocean policy". In January people gathered in state capitals and in the Cambridge Community Center (MA) to call on the President for a National Ocean Policy. Participants drew pictures and wrote letters. During the summer by executive order the National Ocean Policy was created.
On November 18, 2010, the EPA responded to your "Green Slime, Red Tide Nevermore" letters by finalizing new water quality standards for Florida. It gives rules to reduce contamination from sewage, manure and fertilizer in the fresh-water streams, rivers and lakes because those pollutants can trigger toxic algae outbreaks. The green slime is harmful to people, fish and wildlife. The rules mean sewage treatment facilities will need to install new pollution-control equipment and polluters will be held accountable.
On November 16, 2010, ORI letters with partner Heal the Bay assisted recent action. Los Angeles County has broken Californians’ 19-billion-a-year addiction to single-use shopping bags by imposing a ban on single-use plastic and paper bags. The ordinance is the farthest-reaching bag ban ordinance in California, and should result in a 600 million-bag-a-year reduction in the county. Furthermore, reusable bags cannot contain lead, cadmium or other heavy metals in toxic amounts and the bags must be machine washable or manufactured to withstand cleaning and disinfection.
On this week's episode of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Rob chats with Dyan deNapoli, author of the newly released book The Great Penguin Rescue. Dyan tells the story of the largest wildlife rescue ever mounted. An oil tanker foundered off the coast of Cape Town between two islands that were the largest African penguin rookeries. Already classified as a species vulnerable to extinction, the oil slick threatened to destroy nearly half the world population. Experts, including Dyan, were flown in from around the world to manage a battalion of 12,000 volunteers, force feeding and cleaning 40,000 penguins for weeks. Dyan’s account is an endearing tale of perseverance to overcome devastatingly daunting obstacles to bring back from extinction a unique species, the African penguin.
Finn’s Dad, Kyle Robinson, has designed a beautiful shirt for ORI. Kyle was inspired by Oceanus - the ocean river that encircles the known world - and by the plight of dolphins suffering from excessive human waste of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients into waterways, and the horrifying dolphin drive hunting documented by the film, The Cove.
This ocean-river graphic is hand screen printed using eco-friendly water based inks onto Anvil's super soft Heather Charcoal "Sustainable Tee." This Earth-friendly fabric is made from 50% post-consumer recycled polyesters (like used plastic bottles) and 50% "transitional cotton." Transitional cotton comes from farms awaiting certification who have been growing organically for less than three years.
Your Purchase of the Ocean River Tee helps blue our waters by:
- Lessening dependence on oil & petroleum based fertilizers
- Curbing discards, thereby prolonging landfill life and reducing toxic emissions from incinerators
- Promoting new recycling streams for polyester and plastic bottles
- Lessening air, water and soil contamination
- Rewarding farmers making the switch from conventional to organic cotton
Feel great in this super soft shirt - knowing that 30% of each sale helps the actions of The Ocean River Institute. Free shipping on all orders placed before November 30th.
We need your support right now! Through your giving, ORI continues to educate the public and influence politicians to protect our precious rivers and oceans. With your help we:
- Fight to protect Indian River Lagoon dolphins from toxic slime
- Advocate for a strong national ocean endowment to support ocean science and stewardship
- Support Chelsea Creek Action Group's efforts to give East Boston locals their salt marsh
- Mobilize individuals and groups for effective environmental rules and policies
- Help local groups take effective action to protect local ecosystems
- Make sure your voice is heard by elected officials
ORI is fighting to save critical habitats and wildlife. We can win these battles, but we need your support for these vital efforts. Please donate now.
Find your ocean duck on ORI's Market America site!
Discover how, with the knowledge of Rachel Carson and the courage of Achilles, individuals are making a difference for healthier oceans, rivers, watersheds and skies. Choose from thirty-four podcast episodes of Moir's Environmental Dialogues, Ocean River Shields of Achilles. Also available free on iTunes, search "Moir's".
Ocean River Institute
12 Eliot Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617.661.6647 |