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86. Saving Planet Earth with Nature’s Voice, featuring Jaco and Serena Vienings

Jaco and Serena Vienings talk with Rob about their ambitious enterprise to save the natural world by producing Nature’s Voice. Jacu and Serena travel to remote shores of Hawaii and glaciers in Alaska to present two compelling videos. The first video they titled “Plastic for Dinner?” Explore with Jaco the biggest dump site on our planet in the ocean, a trash pile bigger than Texas. Their second video is called “Who brought the sunscreen?”

To answer the question of how global warming works, we go to Alaska to explore energy, deforestation, polar amplification, permafrost, and blowing up mountains. Jaco tells how problems start with mining fossil fuels. One can get woozy standing on a glacier, as Jaco does, that is melting back at an unnaturally high rate of retreat. Global warming is very real. Fortunately, there are things one can do to reduce our carbon footprint. Tune in to begin to undo the warming and to learn what’s next on Jaco’s and Serena’s horizon for Nature’s Voice.

SerenaVieningsimageSerena Vienings is from Ohio.  Serena was on location in Fiddletown, CA, doing costume design for a crew shooting a short western film when out stepped Jaco.  You can hear Serena describe what followed and how they ended up together.  Serena handles the video camera and much of the logistics, as well as coaching Jaco in front of the camera.  Clearly, based on Nature’s Vision videos, Serena is very good.  She is producing a second series of a few shows that have already been filmed and is planning future trips and videos in Peru.

JacoVieningsimageJaco Vienings hails from South Africa. He is an energetic, fun and lively host, working his way up in the broadcasting world. Jaco’s newest project is a video series called “Nature’s Voice”. Nature’s Voice is co-produced by Serena Vienings.

Jaco writes: Loving the outdoors, science and working with my hands, I graduated with a double major in Viticulture and Oenology at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. I next decided to travel the world using my University skills to work and also explore 15 other countries. Seeing the unique beauty in all of them, I felt the need to share this passion I had for the environment. I decided to devote my time to a career in broadcasting, focusing on the beauty that surrounds us. My goal is making people realize how essential it is for everyone to be environmentally responsible, and to change a common mindset of “I have to make a difference” to “I want to make a difference.”