Category Archives: General

100 Million Menhaden Fish Saved by Decisively Acting Fisheries Commission

Menhaden Save Signs

“We’re overfished; we’re overfishing. … If we don’t do something, it’s likely the long-term viability of [the menhaden] fishery is going to go away,” said Louis Daniel, North Carolina’s fisheries director and chairman of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Friday, at a hotel in South Baltimore, Daniel masterfully maintained order. Only once was there…

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National Ocean Policy to Inform Government from the Bottom-up

For me the concept of a National Ocean Policy dates back to the mid 1980s and Charles H. W. Foster’s book Experiments in Bioregionalism.  In Massachusetts, Foster understood, as did Charles Eliot before him, that natural resource management had to occur in transboundary settings.  Think ecosystem as defined by natural boarders.  The problem was managers…

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